Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Derek Mitchell - Statement before Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Ambassador-Designate to Burma
Derek Mitchell
Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma
Statement Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Washington, DC
June 27, 2012
Mr. Chairman, and Members of the Committee, I am honored to appear before you today as the President’s nominee to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to Burma, the first in more than two decades. I am humbled by the confidence that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton have shown in me with this nomination. Mr. Chairman, I know you take a particularly keen personal interest in the situation in Burma, and I commend all you have done during your tenure to advance the relationship between our two countries.
It was almost exactly a year ago that I sat before you and this Committee as the President’s nominee to serve as the first Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma. I noted in my testimony then the many challenges facing Burma and our bilateral relationship. No one would have thought possible the remarkable developments that have occurred since a year ago. On-going reform efforts have created an opening for increased engagement between our two countries, and instilled a sense of hope among millions inside and outside Burma who have worked and sacrificed so much for so long for real change.
During my time as the Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma, I traveled to the country many times. The government in Naypyitaw provided excellent hospitality and demonstrated a willingness to have open and candid discussions with me on each occasion. I also want to thank the many other interlocutors – political party officials, civil society representatives, ethnic minority and religious leaders, former political prisoners, business executives, international diplomats and non-governmental representatives, and many local citizens -- for opening their doors to me to discuss a full range of perspectives on the complexity and diversity of Burma.
I have also traveled throughout East Asia and Europe to share ideas and coordinate policy approaches. This included meetings with the many men and women in Thailand who have worked tirelessly along the border with Burma for decades to provide for the humanitarian needs of Burmese migrants and refugees. With so much attention focused on developments inside Burma, we should not forget the work of these committed individuals who help those in need. I am confident that these and many other committed individuals will join ongoing efforts inside the country when conditions are right.
And of course I have spent many hours with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. As we all know, Daw Suu Kyi remains a uniquely iconic figure inside and outside Burma. Upon helping bring her country to this point, she has now entered the field as an elected politician to help guide its next steps toward a secure, democratic, just, and prosperous future. I look forward to many more opportunities for discussions with her about her country and about how the United States can assist its progress going forward.
Perhaps the most important development of the past year, however, has been the partnership forged between Daw Suu Kyi and President Thein Sein. President Thein Sein has proven to be a remarkable figure. We should never forget to recognize his extraordinary vision and leadership, and for the many reformist steps he and his partners in government have taken over the past year. These actions have clearly reflected the aspirations, indeed sacrifices, of millions of brave Burmese.
At the same time, we have no illusions about the challenges that lie ahead. As Secretary Clinton has observed, reform is not irreversible, and continued democratic change is not inevitable. We remain deeply concerned about the continued detention of hundreds of political prisoners and conditions placed on those previously released. The rule of law requires an independent and effective judiciary. The constitutional role of the military in the nation’s affairs is inconsistent with traditional democratic principles of civil-military relations.
Human rights abuses, including military impunity, continue, particularly in ethnic minority areas. Although there may be some hope for an end to the violence and establishment of serious dialogue on fundamental political issues, mutual mistrust between the government and ethnic minority groups runs deep and a long road lies ahead. Recent sectarian violence in Rakhine State demonstrates the divisiveness in Burma cultivated over many decades, if not centuries, that will need to be overcome to realize lasting peace and national reconciliation in the country.
We have been quite consistent and direct in public and private about our continuing concerns about the lack of transparency in Burma’s military relationship with North Korea, and specifically that the government must adhere to its obligations under relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions and its other international nonproliferation obligations. If confirmed as Ambassador, I will continue to make this issue of highest priority in my conversations with the government, and be clear that our bilateral relationship can never be fully normalized until we are fully satisfied that any illicit ties to North Korea have ended once and for all.
As the Burmese government has taken steps over the past year, so too has the United States in an action-for-action approach. Each action we have taken in recent months has had as its purpose to benefit the Burmese people and strengthen reform and reformers within the system.
Most recently, Secretary Clinton announced a broad easing of restrictions on new investment and the exportation of U.S. financial services to Burma. As she stated in May, we look forward to working with the business sector as a new partner in our principled engagement approach. If confirmed, I will promote U.S. business interests in Burma while ensuring companies understand the complex environment in which they will be engaging and the important role they can play in promoting American values and interests in the country. It is clear to me from my discussions inside the country that the Burmese people admire U.S. products, standards, and principles; staying true to them promises to serve both our public and private interests going forward.
As the Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma, I made it a priority to provide regular briefings and consultations with Capitol Hill. I also urged the Burmese government to open its doors to Congressional visitors so they may see the changes on the ground for themselves. I believe the Administration and Congress have formed an effective, bi-partisan partnership on Burma policy. It is critical to maintain this partnership going forward. Should I be confirmed, I will make every effort to continue to reach out to interested Members and staffs, and hope to see you all regularly on our doorstep in Rangoon.
Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee, let me conclude by taking this opportunity to extend my utmost appreciation to my many partners within the Executive Branch with whom I have worked over the past year as Special Representative – including at USAID, Treasury, Commerce, DoD, the White House, and State. In particular, I want to commend the excellent career officers, interagency representatives, and locally employed staff members of our Embassy in Rangoon whom I have gotten to know during my visits. This team has proved again and again to me that we have people of the highest quality in Rangoon. They have responded superbly to a rapidly changing tempo of operations in the field, and have done so with professionalism and skill. If confirmed, I will make it my priority to ensure they have the tools and direction necessary to continue serving our interests in Burma in an exemplary fashion and be proud of the work they do for our country every day.
Thank you for considering my nomination. I look forward to your questions.
Derek Mitchell
Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma
Statement Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Washington, DC
June 27, 2012
Mr. Chairman, and Members of the Committee, I am honored to appear before you today as the President’s nominee to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to Burma, the first in more than two decades. I am humbled by the confidence that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton have shown in me with this nomination. Mr. Chairman, I know you take a particularly keen personal interest in the situation in Burma, and I commend all you have done during your tenure to advance the relationship between our two countries.
It was almost exactly a year ago that I sat before you and this Committee as the President’s nominee to serve as the first Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma. I noted in my testimony then the many challenges facing Burma and our bilateral relationship. No one would have thought possible the remarkable developments that have occurred since a year ago. On-going reform efforts have created an opening for increased engagement between our two countries, and instilled a sense of hope among millions inside and outside Burma who have worked and sacrificed so much for so long for real change.
During my time as the Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma, I traveled to the country many times. The government in Naypyitaw provided excellent hospitality and demonstrated a willingness to have open and candid discussions with me on each occasion. I also want to thank the many other interlocutors – political party officials, civil society representatives, ethnic minority and religious leaders, former political prisoners, business executives, international diplomats and non-governmental representatives, and many local citizens -- for opening their doors to me to discuss a full range of perspectives on the complexity and diversity of Burma.
I have also traveled throughout East Asia and Europe to share ideas and coordinate policy approaches. This included meetings with the many men and women in Thailand who have worked tirelessly along the border with Burma for decades to provide for the humanitarian needs of Burmese migrants and refugees. With so much attention focused on developments inside Burma, we should not forget the work of these committed individuals who help those in need. I am confident that these and many other committed individuals will join ongoing efforts inside the country when conditions are right.
And of course I have spent many hours with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. As we all know, Daw Suu Kyi remains a uniquely iconic figure inside and outside Burma. Upon helping bring her country to this point, she has now entered the field as an elected politician to help guide its next steps toward a secure, democratic, just, and prosperous future. I look forward to many more opportunities for discussions with her about her country and about how the United States can assist its progress going forward.
Perhaps the most important development of the past year, however, has been the partnership forged between Daw Suu Kyi and President Thein Sein. President Thein Sein has proven to be a remarkable figure. We should never forget to recognize his extraordinary vision and leadership, and for the many reformist steps he and his partners in government have taken over the past year. These actions have clearly reflected the aspirations, indeed sacrifices, of millions of brave Burmese.
At the same time, we have no illusions about the challenges that lie ahead. As Secretary Clinton has observed, reform is not irreversible, and continued democratic change is not inevitable. We remain deeply concerned about the continued detention of hundreds of political prisoners and conditions placed on those previously released. The rule of law requires an independent and effective judiciary. The constitutional role of the military in the nation’s affairs is inconsistent with traditional democratic principles of civil-military relations.
Human rights abuses, including military impunity, continue, particularly in ethnic minority areas. Although there may be some hope for an end to the violence and establishment of serious dialogue on fundamental political issues, mutual mistrust between the government and ethnic minority groups runs deep and a long road lies ahead. Recent sectarian violence in Rakhine State demonstrates the divisiveness in Burma cultivated over many decades, if not centuries, that will need to be overcome to realize lasting peace and national reconciliation in the country.
We have been quite consistent and direct in public and private about our continuing concerns about the lack of transparency in Burma’s military relationship with North Korea, and specifically that the government must adhere to its obligations under relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions and its other international nonproliferation obligations. If confirmed as Ambassador, I will continue to make this issue of highest priority in my conversations with the government, and be clear that our bilateral relationship can never be fully normalized until we are fully satisfied that any illicit ties to North Korea have ended once and for all.
As the Burmese government has taken steps over the past year, so too has the United States in an action-for-action approach. Each action we have taken in recent months has had as its purpose to benefit the Burmese people and strengthen reform and reformers within the system.
Most recently, Secretary Clinton announced a broad easing of restrictions on new investment and the exportation of U.S. financial services to Burma. As she stated in May, we look forward to working with the business sector as a new partner in our principled engagement approach. If confirmed, I will promote U.S. business interests in Burma while ensuring companies understand the complex environment in which they will be engaging and the important role they can play in promoting American values and interests in the country. It is clear to me from my discussions inside the country that the Burmese people admire U.S. products, standards, and principles; staying true to them promises to serve both our public and private interests going forward.
As the Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma, I made it a priority to provide regular briefings and consultations with Capitol Hill. I also urged the Burmese government to open its doors to Congressional visitors so they may see the changes on the ground for themselves. I believe the Administration and Congress have formed an effective, bi-partisan partnership on Burma policy. It is critical to maintain this partnership going forward. Should I be confirmed, I will make every effort to continue to reach out to interested Members and staffs, and hope to see you all regularly on our doorstep in Rangoon.
Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee, let me conclude by taking this opportunity to extend my utmost appreciation to my many partners within the Executive Branch with whom I have worked over the past year as Special Representative – including at USAID, Treasury, Commerce, DoD, the White House, and State. In particular, I want to commend the excellent career officers, interagency representatives, and locally employed staff members of our Embassy in Rangoon whom I have gotten to know during my visits. This team has proved again and again to me that we have people of the highest quality in Rangoon. They have responded superbly to a rapidly changing tempo of operations in the field, and have done so with professionalism and skill. If confirmed, I will make it my priority to ensure they have the tools and direction necessary to continue serving our interests in Burma in an exemplary fashion and be proud of the work they do for our country every day.
Thank you for considering my nomination. I look forward to your questions.
Monday, June 25, 2012
KIA စခန္း၀င္စီး၍ ထိခုိက္ဆုံး႐ႈံးမႈမ်ား
KIA စခန္း၀င္စီး၍
by on June 26, 2012
ဇြန္လ(၂၅)ရက္ေန႔တြင္ ၀ိုင္းေမာ္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္၊ ဂန္ေဒၚယန္ေက်းရြာ အနီးရွိ ရွအစ္ KIA ေရွ႕တန္းစခန္းသို႔ ခမရ(၃၄၈)တပ္ဖြဲ႕၀င္မ်ား ၀င္ေရာက္ရွင္းလင္းစဥ္ တိုက္မိုင္းျဖင့္ တိုက္ခိုက္ခံရသျဖင့္ ဗိုလ္ႀကီး ဇင္မင္းထြန္း က်ဆုံးၿပီး၊ တပ္ၾကပ္ႀကီး တစ္ဦးအပါအ၀င္ (၄)ဦး ဒါဏ္ရာျပင္းထန္စြာရရွိခဲ့ေၾကာင္း သိရွိရသည္။
ျမန္မာစစ္တပ္သည္ KIA တပ္စခန္းကို ထိုးစစ္ဆင္တိုက္ခိုက္ျခင္း မျပဳပါေၾကာင္း ကမၻာသိေျပာဆို ေၾကညာေမာင္းခတ္ထားေသာ္လည္း ေျမျပင္တြင္မူ ျမန္မာစစ္တပ္သည္ KIA တပ္စခန္းမ်ားကို ထိုးစစ္ ဆင္၊ တိုက္ခိုက္မႈမ်ား၊ စခန္းသိမ္းမႈမ်ား၊ KIA တပ္ဖြဲ႕မ်ားကို ၿခဳံခိုတိုက္ခိုက္မႈမ်ားကို ေန႔စဥ္ႏွင့္အမွ် ျပဳလုပ္လ်က္ရွိေၾကာင္း သိရွိသည္။
ျပဳျပင္ေျပာင္းလဲေရး(Reform) ကို ႏိုင္ငံတကာေရွ႕ေမွာက္တြင္ နာမည္ေကာင္းရရွိရန္ ဦးသိန္းစိန္ႏွင့္ အေပါင္းအပါမ်ား ဟန္ေဆာင္ႀကိဳးစား ကျပေနေသာ္လည္း အတိုင္အေဖါက္လြဲမွားေနေသာ စစ္တပ္က မူ ကေမာက္ကမ ဟန္ခ်က္မညီဘဲ တဇြတ္ထိုးျပဳမူေနသျဖင့္ ဇာတ္က်ျဖစ္ေနရသည္။
Myitkyina Blog မွျပန္လည္ေဖၚျပပါသည္။
by on June 26, 2012
ဇြန္လ(၂၅)ရက္ေန႔တြင္ ၀ိုင္းေမာ္ၿမိဳ႕နယ္၊ ဂန္ေဒၚယန္ေက်းရြာ အနီးရွိ ရွအစ္ KIA ေရွ႕တန္းစခန္းသို႔ ခမရ(၃၄၈)တပ္ဖြဲ႕၀င္မ်ား ၀င္ေရာက္ရွင္းလင္းစဥ္ တိုက္မိုင္းျဖင့္ တိုက္ခိုက္ခံရသျဖင့္ ဗိုလ္ႀကီး ဇင္မင္းထြန္း က်ဆုံးၿပီး၊ တပ္ၾကပ္ႀကီး တစ္ဦးအပါအ၀င္ (၄)ဦး ဒါဏ္ရာျပင္းထန္စြာရရွိခဲ့ေၾကာင္း သိရွိရသည္။
ျမန္မာစစ္တပ္သည္ KIA တပ္စခန္းကို ထိုးစစ္ဆင္တိုက္ခိုက္ျခင္း မျပဳပါေၾကာင္း ကမၻာသိေျပာဆို ေၾကညာေမာင္းခတ္ထားေသာ္လည္း ေျမျပင္တြင္မူ ျမန္မာစစ္တပ္သည္ KIA တပ္စခန္းမ်ားကို ထိုးစစ္ ဆင္၊ တိုက္ခိုက္မႈမ်ား၊ စခန္းသိမ္းမႈမ်ား၊ KIA တပ္ဖြဲ႕မ်ားကို ၿခဳံခိုတိုက္ခိုက္မႈမ်ားကို ေန႔စဥ္ႏွင့္အမွ် ျပဳလုပ္လ်က္ရွိေၾကာင္း သိရွိသည္။
ျပဳျပင္ေျပာင္းလဲေရး(Reform) ကို ႏိုင္ငံတကာေရွ႕ေမွာက္တြင္ နာမည္ေကာင္းရရွိရန္ ဦးသိန္းစိန္ႏွင့္ အေပါင္းအပါမ်ား ဟန္ေဆာင္ႀကိဳးစား ကျပေနေသာ္လည္း အတိုင္အေဖါက္လြဲမွားေနေသာ စစ္တပ္က မူ ကေမာက္ကမ ဟန္ခ်က္မညီဘဲ တဇြတ္ထိုးျပဳမူေနသျဖင့္ ဇာတ္က်ျဖစ္ေနရသည္။
Myitkyina Blog မွျပန္လည္ေဖၚျပပါသည္။
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Dozens Believed Killed in Helicopter Attack
Rohingya Muslim refugees hiding in Bangladesh say they were targeted by a Burmese helicopter.
A Burmese helicopter set fire to three boats carrying nearly 50 Muslim Rohingyas fleeing sectarian violence in western Burma in an attack that is believed to have killed everyone on board, according to refugees.
The three ethnic Rohingyas, whose names have been withheld because they are currently in hiding, said their group put out to sea in six boats heading to Teknaf in the southernmost part of Bangladesh on June 8 at around 4 p.m.
They said that they saw the helicopter take off from the area of Sittwe, the capital of western Burma’s Rakhine state, between 30 and 60 minutes after they launched their boats from Burmese soil.
One of the three refugees—a young father who made it to Bangladesh after the ordeal—said that the helicopter then circled above three of the boats that had fallen behind for nearly 20 minutes while setting fire to them.
“We saw something reddish fall on the boats and they instantly caught fire,” he said.
“The helicopter was circling in the sky above the burning boats.”
Burmese denial
Rakhine State Attorney General Hla Thein denied reports of the attack in an interview with RFA on Saturday.
“It is absolutely untrue,” Hla Thein said, responding to the refugees’ allegation that the boats were attacked by a helicopter.
Col. Htein Linn, minister for border area and security affairs in Rakhine state, said Saturday he knew nothing about such an incident.
Aye Maung, a member of parliament for the Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP) said that authorities have only one helicopter stationed at Sittwe airport and that it is unarmed. He said the helicopter is used only as transportation for the regional prime minister.
Calls to the Burmese foreign ministry and to the Burmese Embassy in Washington went unanswered Saturday.
Boats burned
The refugees said that it was unclear from their vantage point whether the crew of the helicopter had made any demands.
“We could not hear any other sound, as the sound of the engines of our boats was much louder. Additionally, our boat was at a distance [from where the incident occurred],” the young father said.
He said that all of the nearly 50 occupants of the three boats that caught fire were presumed killed, including men, women, and “very young children."
“Most of the children killed in the attack were under the age of 10,” he said.
The three refugees said that many of their family members and close friends were among the occupants of the destroyed boats.
Afterwards, they said, the helicopter flew off in the direction of Sittwe.
“They burned three of our six boats,” the young father said.
“Only one of the boats we boarded managed to reach the shore in Bangladesh, as far as I know of.”
He said that his boat had twice been pushed back to sea by the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), but that they were finally able to find a location to land and make their way onto Bangladeshi soil.
The members of his group were unaware of what had happened to the other two boats that had escaped the helicopter attack.
The alleged attack could not be independently verified. Staff members from international aid organizations, including the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Doctors Without Borders, and the World Food Program had been recalled to Rangoon for safety reasons following the outbreak of ethnic violence in Rakhine state.
Denied entry
Earlier, RFA had reported that it was unclear whether the helicopter was of Burmese or Bangladeshi origin, but that the refugees had been targeted after being turned away by authorities in Bangladesh.
But the Bangladeshi newspaper The New Nation reported Friday that the BGB had denied that any such incident had taken place.
The New Nation reported Friday that the BGB detained 16 Rohingyas who had tried to sneak into the country, also near Teknaf, over a 12-hour period on Thursday.
The latest detentions bring to 946 the number of Rohingyas who have been detained while seeking refuge in Bangladesh since sectarian violence erupted between Buddhist Rakhines and Muslims in Burma’s Rakhine state in early June.
At least 2,000 Rohingyas have tried to enter Bangladesh since the clashes began.
Bangladesh says that its resources are already overly strained and has refused to accept the Rohingyas despite appeals from the United Nations to grant them refugee status.
Bangladeshi officials estimate that a total of 300,000 Rohingya people live in the country, with only about a tenth of them in two official refugee camps in the southern district of Cox's Bazaar.
Burma considers the Rohingyas to be illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and denies them citizenship while Bangladesh says Rohingyas have been living in Burma for centuries and should be recognized there as citizens.
Bangladesh law minister Shafique Ahmed on Saturday called on Burma to respect the rights of the Rohingyas and to recognize them as citizens of the country.
“The people of Myanmar [Burma] have rights to live in their country and the government of that country should ensure that their citizens can live there,” Shafique told Bangladesh’s Daily Star newspaper.
Reported by an RFA correspondent in Bangladesh with additional reporting by Khin Maung Nyane for RFA’s Burmese service. Written in English by Joshua Lipes.
Rohingya Muslim refugees hiding in Bangladesh say they were targeted by a Burmese helicopter.
Army helicopters sit on the tarmac at the airport in Sittwe,
June 12, 2012.
A Burmese helicopter set fire to three boats carrying nearly 50 Muslim Rohingyas fleeing sectarian violence in western Burma in an attack that is believed to have killed everyone on board, according to refugees.
The three ethnic Rohingyas, whose names have been withheld because they are currently in hiding, said their group put out to sea in six boats heading to Teknaf in the southernmost part of Bangladesh on June 8 at around 4 p.m.
They said that they saw the helicopter take off from the area of Sittwe, the capital of western Burma’s Rakhine state, between 30 and 60 minutes after they launched their boats from Burmese soil.
One of the three refugees—a young father who made it to Bangladesh after the ordeal—said that the helicopter then circled above three of the boats that had fallen behind for nearly 20 minutes while setting fire to them.
“We saw something reddish fall on the boats and they instantly caught fire,” he said.
“The helicopter was circling in the sky above the burning boats.”
Burmese denial
Rakhine State Attorney General Hla Thein denied reports of the attack in an interview with RFA on Saturday.
“It is absolutely untrue,” Hla Thein said, responding to the refugees’ allegation that the boats were attacked by a helicopter.
Col. Htein Linn, minister for border area and security affairs in Rakhine state, said Saturday he knew nothing about such an incident.
Aye Maung, a member of parliament for the Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP) said that authorities have only one helicopter stationed at Sittwe airport and that it is unarmed. He said the helicopter is used only as transportation for the regional prime minister.
Calls to the Burmese foreign ministry and to the Burmese Embassy in Washington went unanswered Saturday.
Rakhine State Attorney General Hla Thein in an
undated photo. Credit: RFA
Boats burned
The refugees said that it was unclear from their vantage point whether the crew of the helicopter had made any demands.
“We could not hear any other sound, as the sound of the engines of our boats was much louder. Additionally, our boat was at a distance [from where the incident occurred],” the young father said.
He said that all of the nearly 50 occupants of the three boats that caught fire were presumed killed, including men, women, and “very young children."
“Most of the children killed in the attack were under the age of 10,” he said.
The three refugees said that many of their family members and close friends were among the occupants of the destroyed boats.
Afterwards, they said, the helicopter flew off in the direction of Sittwe.
“They burned three of our six boats,” the young father said.
“Only one of the boats we boarded managed to reach the shore in Bangladesh, as far as I know of.”
He said that his boat had twice been pushed back to sea by the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), but that they were finally able to find a location to land and make their way onto Bangladeshi soil.
The members of his group were unaware of what had happened to the other two boats that had escaped the helicopter attack.
The alleged attack could not be independently verified. Staff members from international aid organizations, including the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Doctors Without Borders, and the World Food Program had been recalled to Rangoon for safety reasons following the outbreak of ethnic violence in Rakhine state.
Denied entry
Earlier, RFA had reported that it was unclear whether the helicopter was of Burmese or Bangladeshi origin, but that the refugees had been targeted after being turned away by authorities in Bangladesh.
But the Bangladeshi newspaper The New Nation reported Friday that the BGB had denied that any such incident had taken place.
The New Nation reported Friday that the BGB detained 16 Rohingyas who had tried to sneak into the country, also near Teknaf, over a 12-hour period on Thursday.
The latest detentions bring to 946 the number of Rohingyas who have been detained while seeking refuge in Bangladesh since sectarian violence erupted between Buddhist Rakhines and Muslims in Burma’s Rakhine state in early June.
At least 2,000 Rohingyas have tried to enter Bangladesh since the clashes began.
Bangladesh says that its resources are already overly strained and has refused to accept the Rohingyas despite appeals from the United Nations to grant them refugee status.
Bangladeshi officials estimate that a total of 300,000 Rohingya people live in the country, with only about a tenth of them in two official refugee camps in the southern district of Cox's Bazaar.
Burma considers the Rohingyas to be illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and denies them citizenship while Bangladesh says Rohingyas have been living in Burma for centuries and should be recognized there as citizens.
Bangladesh law minister Shafique Ahmed on Saturday called on Burma to respect the rights of the Rohingyas and to recognize them as citizens of the country.
“The people of Myanmar [Burma] have rights to live in their country and the government of that country should ensure that their citizens can live there,” Shafique told Bangladesh’s Daily Star newspaper.
Reported by an RFA correspondent in Bangladesh with additional reporting by Khin Maung Nyane for RFA’s Burmese service. Written in English by Joshua Lipes.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Aung San Suu Kyi's address to both Houses of Parliament - in full.
Aung San Suu Kyi's address (in full) to both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. With an introductory speech from the Speaker of the House of Commons and a speech of thanks from the Speaker of the House of Lords. Given in Westminster Hall, which dates from 1097 AD. BBC Parliament, 21st June, 2012. Aung San Suu Kyi is the Leader of Burma's National League for Democracy.
Burma president prioritizes poverty reduction

Burma President Thein Sein delivered an address at the first meeting of Foreign Aids Management Central Committee at the meeting hall of the President Office on Wednesday, the New Light of Myanmar said today.
The Union ministers, the Union Attorney-General, the Union Auditor-General, the Chairman of the Union Civil Services Board, region and state chief ministers, chairmen of Self-Administered Division/Zone and departmental heads attended the meeting.
According to the President, Wednesday’s meeting was the first meeting of the Foreign Aids Management Central Committee (FAM-CC).
The establishment was divided into two parts to open two tracks for systematically managing bilateral and multilateral aids and assistance from UN agencies, INGOs and Civil Society through different means and different channels, he added. If the UN agencies and 53 INGOs currently operating in the country would provide direct assistance down to township and village level, it would not be able to systematically deal with national development and equitable development of regions. Therefore, the committee was established to deal with that, he noted.
“So, we will make systematic management establishing the central committee, work committee and the National Economy and Social Affairs Think Tank. So, I would like to urge the Union ministries, region/state governments, and self-administered zones/division – not to accept the direct assistance from foreign embassies, UN agencies and international organizations, INGOs but to contact through focal ministries in line with procedures, – to coordinate priority sector and priority area with each other if there are projects you would like to implement with outside assistance so as to find a balance,” he emphasized.
The President said priority will be given to poorer regions. After signing MoU with international organizations, Union Ministries will have to inform to region and state governments of detailed plans for the work being done.
As indicated by the President, the FAM-WC has to coordinate between Union Ministries and Region/ State governments, and it will take responsibility to hold coordination meetings between donors’ countries and organization.
It will be the task of National Economy and Social Advisory Council to link and harmonize between International Assistance Management Working Committee and respective ministries to provide assistance via Civil Societies and INGOs, he added. The Council needs to do its part giving advice to the Government and holding of Donors’ Meetings.
He also that mentioned electricity sector development, communications sector development and micro-finance and monetary services development were priorities from the point of view of socio-economic requirements of the people. And he also recognized national reconciliation in Kachin, Shan, Karen, Mon, Chin and Rakhine States as priorities issues.
It was clear that the President urged his ministers to choose prioritized sectors and areas in order to negotiate with donor countries and organizations. He wants his ministers to deal with foreign aid constantly and to assess the value of measures. Prioritized processes for aid are rural development and human resource development processes, he clarified.
He said:
The nation will become rich only when it is industrialized. Poverty rate in Myanmar is 26%. It will be reduced to 16% by 2015 according to UN Millennium Goal. A large number of people are in neighboring countries as legal or illegal migrant workers. It means the country is losing labor. They will come back if there are jobs and higher pay equal to others.
On the contrary, President should discover some missing points on reform in Aung San Suu Kyi’s Nobel lecture. Burma’s Nobel laureate highlights points on Burma’s reform in her Nobel lecture:
The reform measures that were put into motion by President U Thein Sein’s government can be sustained only with the intelligent cooperation of all internal forces: the military, our ethnic nationalities, political parties, the media, civil society organizations, the business community and, most important of all, the general public. We can say that reform is effective only if the lives of the people are improved and in this regard, the international community has a vital role to play.
However, President Thein Sein should not fail to remember that current reform needs a genuine peaceful environment. With ongoing battles in Kachin state, the country is not ready to take delivery of International Development Aid as Donors have to ensure to stick to their ethical values. Hence, President should choose ‘taming of the military’ as his first priority.
Some analysts believe the war in Kachin state and the riots in Rakhine state show that there is factional inconsistency among the President’s cabinet members as well as in the parliamentarians. So, the President must ease the tension among the members of his government including the commander-in-chief of the military as most important priority in the name of reform.
SBC 2012 Ning Zuphpawng Kaba hta Kachin ni shang lawm
June 22, 2012
Southern Baptist Convention(SBC) a 2012 ning Zuphpawng Kaba hpe June Shata 19-20, 2012 ya laman Louisiana Mungdaw New Orlean Mare hta galaw lai wa sai lam hpe zuphpawng hta shanglawm ai Sara Labya La Seng kaw na chye lu ai. Ndai Zuphpawng hta shanglawm lu ai sha n-ga tinang Jinghpaw Mung hta byin hkrum sha nga ai Mung Masa, Hpyen Masa hte tsinyam tsindam lam ni hpe mung report tang tawn lu sai lam matut chye lu ai.

Southern Baptist Convention(SBC) ngu ai gaw mungkan Hkalup Hkristan Nawku Hpung ni hta kaba htum ai Nawku Hpung langai rai nna, Nawku Hpung shang masha yawng 16.6 millions re hpe chye lu ai. Laklai ai lam langai hku nna 167 ning na wa sai ndai Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) hta shawng kalang na African-American Ningbaw Nnan hpe lata san tawn lu sai lam rai nga ai, ndai magam bungli a jaw e kata lam Shanhpraw – Shanchyang Amyu Lachyen Lahka byin nga ai manghkang a ntsa kahkyin gumdin ai lam kaba langai hpe galaw dat ai re ngu nna mungkan ting na Hkalup Hkristan Shiga lawk hta kajai gumhkawng nga ai lam hpe mung chye lu ai. Ndai nnan lata san tawn sai SBC Ningbaw Nnan gaw, Fred Luter ngu ai wa rai nna Franklin Avenue Baptist Church (New Orleans) hta woi awn nga ai Pastor re hpe chye lu ai.
Overseas Kachin Association
June 22, 2012
Southern Baptist Convention(SBC) a 2012 ning Zuphpawng Kaba hpe June Shata 19-20, 2012 ya laman Louisiana Mungdaw New Orlean Mare hta galaw lai wa sai lam hpe zuphpawng hta shanglawm ai Sara Labya La Seng kaw na chye lu ai. Ndai Zuphpawng hta shanglawm lu ai sha n-ga tinang Jinghpaw Mung hta byin hkrum sha nga ai Mung Masa, Hpyen Masa hte tsinyam tsindam lam ni hpe mung report tang tawn lu sai lam matut chye lu ai.

Southern Baptist Convention(SBC) ngu ai gaw mungkan Hkalup Hkristan Nawku Hpung ni hta kaba htum ai Nawku Hpung langai rai nna, Nawku Hpung shang masha yawng 16.6 millions re hpe chye lu ai. Laklai ai lam langai hku nna 167 ning na wa sai ndai Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) hta shawng kalang na African-American Ningbaw Nnan hpe lata san tawn lu sai lam rai nga ai, ndai magam bungli a jaw e kata lam Shanhpraw – Shanchyang Amyu Lachyen Lahka byin nga ai manghkang a ntsa kahkyin gumdin ai lam kaba langai hpe galaw dat ai re ngu nna mungkan ting na Hkalup Hkristan Shiga lawk hta kajai gumhkawng nga ai lam hpe mung chye lu ai. Ndai nnan lata san tawn sai SBC Ningbaw Nnan gaw, Fred Luter ngu ai wa rai nna Franklin Avenue Baptist Church (New Orleans) hta woi awn nga ai Pastor re hpe chye lu ai.
Pastor Fred Luter
Overseas Kachin Association
ကခ်င္စာကုိ ခ်စ္ပါ၊ ကခ်င္စာေပကုိ ျမတ္ႏုိးပါ
ကခ်င္စာကုိ ခ်စ္ပါ၊ ကခ်င္စာေပကုိ ျမတ္ႏုိးပါ
ဇြန္ ၂၂၊ ၂၀၁၂
ေဖ့ဘြတ္မွာ ဖတ္လိုက္ရတဲ့ သတင္းစာအပိုင္းစေလးမွာ တုိင္းရင္းသား ဘာသာစာေပကို အစိုးရ ေက်ာင္းမွာ ေက်ာင္းခ်ိန္ျပင္ပ သင္ၾကားေပး ေတာ့မယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ အဲဒီအထဲမွာ ကခ်င္ဘာသာ မပါဘူး။ ဒီသတင္း ေပၚမွာ တခ်ဳိ႕ေတြက အံႀကိတ္ၾက။ တခ်ဳိ႕က ဆဲၾက။ တခ်ဳိ႕က ႀကိတ္မ ႏိုင္ခဲမရ။ တခ်ဳိ႕ကလည္း ရန္ငါ စည္းျပတ္ၾကေပါ့။ ကြၽန္ေတာ့္အတြက္ေတာ့ ၀မ္းသာစရာေပါ့..။ ဘာလို႔ ၀မ္းသာစရာလည္း ျပည္ေထာင္စု သမၼတ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံေတာ္ႀကီးမွာ ၀န္ႀကီးေတြရဲ႕ သေဘာထား အမွန္ကို သိလို႔ဘဲလို႔ ေျဖရမလို။
အမွန္ေတာ့ တိုင္းရင္းသားေတြအေပၚ လက္တဆုပ္စာ ဗမာဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေတြ ဘယ္လိုသေဘာထား တယ္ဆို တာ အေထြအထူး ေျပာေနဖို႔ လိုေနမယ္ မထင္ဘူး။ သိၿပီးသား။ ေနာက္ဆံုး ကုန္ကုန္ ေျပာရရင္ ကခ်င္ဟာ စာသင္ေက်ာင္းမွာသာမက ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ ျပည္နယ္တခု အ ေနနဲ႔ ေတာင္မပါေတာ့ဘူးဆုိရင္လည္း ကြၽန္ေတာ္ကေတာ့ လက္ခံမွာပါဘဲ။ ၀မ္းသာေနဦးမွာဘဲ။
ဒါဆိုရင္ ကြၽန္ေတာ့္ကို အျပစ္တင္ၾကဦးမယ္။ ခြဲထြက္ေရးသမား၊ ၿဖိဳခြဲေရးသမားလို႔ ဆဲဆိုၾကအုန္း မလား။ အမွန္ေတာ့ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ ကြၽန္ ေတာ္ကေတာ့ ျမန္မာျပည္ႀကီးထဲမွာ ကခ်င္တေယာက္အေန နဲ႔ ပါခ်င္ တယ္။ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံၾကီးအတြက္ ကခ်င္တေယာက္အေနနဲ႔ အုတ္တခ်ပ္ သဲတပြင့္အျဖစ္ ပါခ်င္တယ္။
ဒါေပမယ့္ အတၱႀကီးႀကီး၊ အာဏာဖီးဖီးနဲ႔ တုိ႔လုပ္လိုက္ရင္ ဘာတတ္ႏိုင္မလဲလို႔ ထင္ရာစိုင္းသူေတြက ပထုတ္ေနမွေတာ့ ကြၽန္ေတာ္က လက္ ခံလိုက္ယံုပါဘဲ။ ကြၽန္ေတာ္က ဘာေကာင္မွမဟုတ္တာေလ။
ဘယ္လိုဘဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္၊ အစိုးရရဲ႕ ေစတနာဟာ မွန္သည္ျဖစ္ေစ မွားသည္ျဖစ္ေစ လက္ခံရမွာပါဘဲ။ ဘာလို႔ လက္ခံရမွာလဲဆိုေတာ့ ဘယ္လို စကားတလံုး၊ ဘယ္လိုစာတေၾကာင္းဟာ ဘယ္သူ႔ကို ရည္ညႊန္းဖြဲ႕ ဆိုသည္ျဖစ္ေစ အဲဒီသူက လက္ခံမွျဖစ္တယ္။ အဲဒီသူက လက္မခံရင္ ဘာအက်ဳိးမွ မသက္ေရာက္ဘူး။ ဒါက ကြၽန္ေတာ္ လက္ခံထားတဲ့အခ်က္ပါဘဲ။
ဒီေတာ့ ကခ်င္စာေပကိုျဖစ္ေစ၊ လူမ်ဳိးကိုျဖစ္ေစ၊ ျပည္နယ္ကိုျဖစ္ေစ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ ပါတယ္ မပါဘူးဆိုတဲ့ ဆံုးျဖတ္ခြင့္ဟာ ကခ်င္အမ်ဳိးသား ေတြ လက္ထဲမွာဘဲရိွလို႔ပါဘဲ။
ဘယ္သူ တစ္ဦးတစ္ေယာက္ အဖြဲ႕အစည္းကမွ ဆံုးျဖတ္ပုိင္ခြင့္မရိွဘူး။ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးတုိ႔ရဲ႕ စာေပ၊ ယဥ္ေက်း မႈ၊ ျပည္နယ္ဟာ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးေတြ ရဲ႕လက္ထဲမွာဘဲ ရိွတယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ အစိုးရစာသင္ ေက်ာင္းမွာ ကခ်င္ စာမသင္ေပးလည္း ဘာမွမျဖစ္ဘူး။ စာသင္ေက်ာင္းရိွမွ စာသင္လို႔ ရတာလဲ မဟုတ္ဘူး။ တို႔တေတြမွာ အမ်ဳိးဆိုတာရိွတယ္။ မိဘေတြ ရိွတယ္။ ညီအကို ေတြရိွတယ္။ လက္ေတြကို ခိုင္ခိုင္ၿမဲၿမဲ တြဲထားၾကမယ္။ တေယာက္တတ္တာကို တေယာက္ လက္ဆင့္ကမ္းခဲ့ၾကမယ္။ တုိ႔တေတြရဲ႕ ယံုၾကည္မႈ၊ ယဥ္ေက်းမႈ၊ ဘာသာစကားေတြကို အစိုးရ စာ သင္ေက်ာင္းေတြမွာ မသင္ဘူး။ တို႔တေတြရိွတဲ့ေနရာမွာ တို႔တေတြ သင္ယူၾကမယ္ ေလ့လာၾကမယ္။ လက္ဆင့္ ကမ္းခဲ့ၾကမယ္။ တို႔ေတြရဲ႕ စာေပ ဘာသာစကားကို ေရာက္တဲ့ ေနရာမွာ ကဗ်ည္းထိုးခဲ့ၾကမယ္။ တို႔တေတြရဲ႕ အားေတြကို တင္းထားၾကမယ္။ ကဲ ဘယ္ေလာက္ ေပ်ာ္စ ရာေကာင္းလဲ….။
အမွန္တကယ္ေျပာရရင္ အစိုးရေက်ာင္းကို အမွန္တကယ္ကို မတက္ခ်င္တာ။ ကြၽန္စိတ္ကို ႐ိုက္သြင္းတဲ့ အစိုးရေက်ာင္း။ ေကာင္း/ဆိုး ေၾကာင္း/က်ဳိးကို ဆင္ျခင္စိတ္မရိွ၊ အမိန္႔နာခံမႈ စိတ္ဓာတ္ကို ႐ုိက္သြင္းေပး တဲ့ေက်ာင္းေပါ့။
ဒါဆို မင္းက ဘာလို႔ေက်ာင္းၿပီးေအာင္ တက္ခဲ့သလဲကြလို႔ ေမးခ်င္ေနစမ္းမယ္။မွန္တယ္ ကြၽန္ေတာ္ အစိုးရ ေက်ာင္းကို တက္ခဲ့တယ္။ ဘြဲ႕ရ ေအာင္ကိုတက္ခဲ့တာ။ အေျဖကေတာ့ ရွင္းတယ္။ အစိုးရကို ေကာင္းဆိုး/ေၾကာင္းက်ဳိးေတြ ေရးျပႏိုင္ဖို႔ ေက်ာင္းတက္ခဲ့တာ။ အစိုးရ သင္ ေပးတဲ့ ေက်ာင္းတက္ၿပီး အစိုးရကို ေက်းဇူး ကန္းတယ္လို႔ ေျပာဦးမွာလား။ ထင္ခ်င္သလို ထင္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ဒီအတြက္အေျဖ ကေတာ့ ကြၽန္ ေတာ့္ေရွ႕က ေနာင္ေတာ္ၾကီးေတြရိွပါတယ္လို႔ဘဲ ေျဖပါရေစ။
ေနာက္ၿပီး ဗမာစာကိုလည္း တတ္ကို မတတ္ခ်င္တာ။ ဒါေပမယ့္ တတ္ေအာင္ကို ေလ့လာရမယ္။ မွတ္သား ရမယ္ဆိုတဲ့အသိကို ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ ေအာင္ဆန္းကေပးခဲ့တာ။ ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေအာင္ဆန္းေျပာခဲ့တဲ့ စကားတခြန္း တသက္လံုးမေမ့ဘူ။ အဂၤလိပ္ကိုတုိက္ဖို႔အတြက္ အဂၤလိပ္စာနဲ႔ စကားကို တတ္ကို တတ္ရမယ္။ အနည္းဆံုး သူတို႔ကလာဆဲရင္ ဗိုလ္လိုျပန္ဆဲႏိုင္တာေပါ့။ သိပ္မွန္တဲ့ စကားပါ။
ဒီေနရာမွာ အဂၤလိပ္အားလံုးကို မဆိုလိုပါဘူး။ ဒါေပမယ့္ ကိုယ့္ကို အဂၤလိပ္လိုလာဆဲ၊ လာၿဖဲ၊ လာေျခာက္ ျပတဲ့သူေတြကိုသာ ဆိုလိုရင္း ျဖစ္တယ္။ ကခ်င္ေတြအားလံုး ဗမာစာ၊ စကားကို ေလ့ကိုေလ့လာရမယ္။ တတ္ကို တတ္ရမယ္။ ဒါမွ ကို္ယ့္ရန္သူကို ဘယ္လိုရင္ဆိုင္ရမယ္ဆို တာ သိႏိုင္၊ တတ္ႏိုင္မယ္။ ကိုယ္ရင္ ထဲ စိတ္ထဲ ခံစားခ်က္မွန္သမွ်ကို ဗမာလို ေရးျပ ခ်ျပႏိုင္ေအာင္ လုပ္ရမယ္။ ဒါမွ သူတို႔ေတြနားလည္မယ္၊ ဒီထက္ပိုလာရင္ေတာ့ အဂၤလိပ္လို ေရးႏိုင္ျပႏိုင္ရင္ ပိုေကာင္းမယ္။ ဒါမွ ႏိုင္ငံတကာမွ ကခ်င္လူမ်ိဳးေတြက ဒီလိုလူမ်ိဳးေတြကြဆုိၿပီး လက္ ခေမာင္းခတ္ ႏိုင္မယ္။
ဒီလို ဗမာစာကိုေလ့လာတာဟာ ကိုယ့္ဘာသာစကားကို မႀကိဳက္လို႔ မဟုတ္ဘူးဆိုတာနားလည္ရ မယ္။ ကိုယ္ဘာေၾကာင့္ ဒီလိုလုပ္တယ္ဆို တာကို ကိုယ့္ကို သိထားရမယ္။ ငါတုိ႔ရဲ႕ စာ၊ စကားကို ဘယ္လိုပိတ္ ပင္တားဆီးပါေစ။ တို႔တေတြ လက္ခံမွျဖစ္တယ္။ လက္မခံရင္ သူတို႔ေတြ ရဲ႕ရည္ရြယ္ ခ်က္ဟာ မေအာင္ မျမင္ၿဖစ္မွာဘဲ။ ဒီေတာ့ တို႔တေတြ စိတ္တိုစရာလဲမလိုဘူး။ ျပန္ဆဲစရာလဲ မလိုဘူး။ ႀကိတ္မႏိုင္ခဲမရ ျဖစ္ စရာ အေၾကာင္းမရိွဘူး။ အခ်ိန္ကုန္မယ္။ ေလကုန္တယ္။
တို႔တေတြရဲ႕ စာေပနဲ႔စာေတြကို ေရးၾကမယ္။ ကဗ်ာေတြကို ဖြဲ႕ၾကမယ္။ ကေလာင္ကိုင္လို႔ရတဲ့ လက္မွန္ သမွ်၊ ကခ်င္စာေပကို ခ်စ္ျမတ္ႏိုး တဲ့သူမွန္သမွ် ေရးၾက၊ ဖြဲ႔ၾကမယ္။ ေရွ႕တန္းမွာ အသက္ေပးလို႔ ကာကြယ္ေနတဲ့သူေတြကို ေလးစားတဲ့အတုိင္းေပါ့။ ေနာက္တန္းက ကေလာင္ ကိုင္လို႔ရတဲ့သူမွန္သမွ် ကေလာင္ကို ကုိင္ၾကေစခ်င္တယ္။
စာအုပ္တအုပ္မွာဖတ္ဖူးတာက ခုဆိုရင္ ႐ုရွားေက်ာင္းေတြမွာ ႐ုရွားဘာသာစကားအျပင္၊ အဂၤလိပ္စာ ေနာက္ မိမိႀကိဳက္တဲ့ ဘာသာစကားကို မျဖစ္မေန ေရြးခ်ယ္ၿပီးသင္ရတယ္တဲ့။ ဒီေတာ့ ရွရွား ကေလး တေယာက္ဟာ ႀကီးျပင္းလာတာနဲ႔ ဘာသာစကား သံုးမ်ဳိးကို တတ္ေနမွာျဖစ္ တယ္။ ဒီေတာ့ တို႔တေတြ အေနနဲ႔ ကခ်င္ဘာသာစကားနဲ႔ အဂၤလိပ္ဘာသာစကားအျပင္ မျဖစ္ မေနေလ့လာ ဆည္းပူးေနရမယ္။
ဗမာစာနဲ႔အိမ္နီးခ်င္း တ႐ုတ္စာကိုေလ့လာႏိုင္မွ သူတို႔တေတြနဲ႔ ယွဥ္ႏိုင္မယ္။ ကခ်င္စာကိုက်ေတာ့ ကမာၻမွာ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးေတြ ရိွခဲ့တယ္။ စာ ေပပိုင္ဆုိင္ခဲ့တယ္ဆိုတဲ့ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္နဲ႔ေလ့လာ လိုက္စား ရမယ္။
အဂၤလိပ္စာကုိက်ေတာ့ ႏိုင္ငံတကာမွာ ကခ်င္ေတြဟာ စစ္ဘဲတုိက္တဲ့လူမ်ိဳးမဟုတ္ဘူး။ ႏိုင္ငံတကာ စာေပကို အကြၽမ္းတ၀င္ရိွေၾကာင္း ျပ သႏိုင္ဖို႔တတ္ကို တတ္မွျဖစ္မယ္။
ဗမာစာကိုက်ေတာ့ ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေအာင္ဆန္းေၿပာခဲ့တဲ့အတိုင္းေပါ့။ တ႐ုတ္စာကိုက်ေတာ့ တ႐ုတ္ေတြ လူလည္မက်ႏိုင္ေအာင္ တ႐ုတ္စာကို တတ္မွကိုျဖစ္မွာ။
ဒီေတာ့ သူငယ္ခ်င္းတုိ႔ေရ ဘာမွ မခံမရပ္ႏိုင္မျဖစ္နဲ႔။ ႀကိတ္မႏိုင္ခဲမရလဲ မျဖစ္နဲ႔။ ကုိယ္လုပ္စရာရိွတာ ကို ဆက္လုပ္ဖို႔ဘဲရိွတယ္။ တို႔တ ေတြဟာ အခြင့္အေရးရိွမွ လုပ္ႏိုင္ကုိင္ႏိုင္တာ မဟုတ္ဘူးဆိုတာ ကိုျပသဖို႔ အခ်ိန္ဘဲ။ တို႔တေတြမွာ ဘာအခြင့္အေရးမွမရိွဘူး။ ဒီထက္ပိုၿပီး ေတာ့လုပ္သမွ်ကို တားဆီး ခံေနရတယ္ ဆိုတဲ့ၾကားက တို႔တေတြရဲ႕ဘာသာစကားကို ဒီကမာၻႀကီးမွာ ခ်န္ထားခဲ့ၾကရေအာင္။ တို႔လူမ်ဳိးေတြကို ႏွိပ္ကြပ္တယ္။ တို႔ေတြ သာမဟုတ္ပါဘူး တျခားတုိင္းရင္သားေတြလည္း ရိွပါ ေသးတယ္။ လူမ်ဳိးတမ်ဳိး ကမာၻ႕ေျမေပၚက ေပ်ာက္ကြယ္သြားဖို႔ ဆိုတာ လူေတြနဲ႔မဆိုင္ဘူး။ ဘုရားသခင္နဲ႔ဘဲ ဆိုင္တယ္။ ဒါကို ခရစ္ယာန္ေတြအားလံုး သိမွာပါ။ ဒါေပမယ့္ လူမ်ဳိးတမ်ဳိး ကမာၻေပၚမွာ ရိွခဲ့တယ္ဆိုတာကို ေနာက္လူ ေတြသိဖို႔ က အဲဒီလူမ်ိဳးနဲ႔ဘဲ ဆိုင္တယ္။ ဘုရားသခင္ အလိုေတာ္ရိွရင္ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးေတြ ကမာၻေျမေပၚက ေပ်ာက္ကြယ္မွာပါ။
ဒီေတာ့ တို႔ကခ်င္လူမ်ိဳးေတြ ကမာၻေျမေပၚမွာရိွခဲ့တယ္ဆုိတာကို သက္ေသျပဖို႔ တုိ႔ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိး တေယာက္ စီတိုင္းမွာ တာ၀န္ရိွတယ္။ ေအာင္ျမင္မႈဆိုတာ အခက္ခဲ၊ တာဆီးပိတ္ပင္မႈေတြကို ေက်ာ္လႊားၿပီးမွ ရယူရ တာမ်ဳိးပါ။ အခြင့္အေရးရိွလို႔လုပ္ႏိုင္တယ္ဆိုတာေတာ့ လူ တိုင္း လုပ္ႏိုင္တယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ တုိ႔ကခ်င္ေတြက တားဆီးပိတ္ပင္ေနတဲ့ၾကားက လုပ္ႏိုင္တယ္ဆိုတာကို ျပၾကမယ္။
အာဏာရွင္မွန္သမွ်ကုိ ဆန္႔က်င့္ဖို႔ တို႔ရဲ႕ကေလာင္ဓါးကို ေသြးၾက၊ ေသြးၾကမယ္။ ေၾကာက္ရြံ႕မႈကင္းတဲ့ လြတ္လပ္တဲ့ စိတ္ထားေတြနဲ႔ေရးၾက မယ္။ ကခ်င္စာေပကို ခ်စ္ၿမတ္ႏိုးလို႔ တို႔ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးေတြ ရိွတဲ့ ေနရာ တိုင္းမွာ ကခ်င္စာကို ေရးသားခဲ့ၾကရေအာင္လား။
Moemaka Blog မွကူးယူေဖၚျပပါသည္။
ဇြန္ ၂၂၊ ၂၀၁၂
ေဖ့ဘြတ္မွာ ဖတ္လိုက္ရတဲ့ သတင္းစာအပိုင္းစေလးမွာ တုိင္းရင္းသား ဘာသာစာေပကို အစိုးရ ေက်ာင္းမွာ ေက်ာင္းခ်ိန္ျပင္ပ သင္ၾကားေပး ေတာ့မယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ အဲဒီအထဲမွာ ကခ်င္ဘာသာ မပါဘူး။ ဒီသတင္း ေပၚမွာ တခ်ဳိ႕ေတြက အံႀကိတ္ၾက။ တခ်ဳိ႕က ဆဲၾက။ တခ်ဳိ႕က ႀကိတ္မ ႏိုင္ခဲမရ။ တခ်ဳိ႕ကလည္း ရန္ငါ စည္းျပတ္ၾကေပါ့။ ကြၽန္ေတာ့္အတြက္ေတာ့ ၀မ္းသာစရာေပါ့..။ ဘာလို႔ ၀မ္းသာစရာလည္း ျပည္ေထာင္စု သမၼတ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံေတာ္ႀကီးမွာ ၀န္ႀကီးေတြရဲ႕ သေဘာထား အမွန္ကို သိလို႔ဘဲလို႔ ေျဖရမလို။
အမွန္ေတာ့ တိုင္းရင္းသားေတြအေပၚ လက္တဆုပ္စာ ဗမာဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေတြ ဘယ္လိုသေဘာထား တယ္ဆို တာ အေထြအထူး ေျပာေနဖို႔ လိုေနမယ္ မထင္ဘူး။ သိၿပီးသား။ ေနာက္ဆံုး ကုန္ကုန္ ေျပာရရင္ ကခ်င္ဟာ စာသင္ေက်ာင္းမွာသာမက ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ ျပည္နယ္တခု အ ေနနဲ႔ ေတာင္မပါေတာ့ဘူးဆုိရင္လည္း ကြၽန္ေတာ္ကေတာ့ လက္ခံမွာပါဘဲ။ ၀မ္းသာေနဦးမွာဘဲ။
ဒါဆိုရင္ ကြၽန္ေတာ့္ကို အျပစ္တင္ၾကဦးမယ္။ ခြဲထြက္ေရးသမား၊ ၿဖိဳခြဲေရးသမားလို႔ ဆဲဆိုၾကအုန္း မလား။ အမွန္ေတာ့ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ ကြၽန္ ေတာ္ကေတာ့ ျမန္မာျပည္ႀကီးထဲမွာ ကခ်င္တေယာက္အေန နဲ႔ ပါခ်င္ တယ္။ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံၾကီးအတြက္ ကခ်င္တေယာက္အေနနဲ႔ အုတ္တခ်ပ္ သဲတပြင့္အျဖစ္ ပါခ်င္တယ္။
ဒါေပမယ့္ အတၱႀကီးႀကီး၊ အာဏာဖီးဖီးနဲ႔ တုိ႔လုပ္လိုက္ရင္ ဘာတတ္ႏိုင္မလဲလို႔ ထင္ရာစိုင္းသူေတြက ပထုတ္ေနမွေတာ့ ကြၽန္ေတာ္က လက္ ခံလိုက္ယံုပါဘဲ။ ကြၽန္ေတာ္က ဘာေကာင္မွမဟုတ္တာေလ။
ဘယ္လိုဘဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္၊ အစိုးရရဲ႕ ေစတနာဟာ မွန္သည္ျဖစ္ေစ မွားသည္ျဖစ္ေစ လက္ခံရမွာပါဘဲ။ ဘာလို႔ လက္ခံရမွာလဲဆိုေတာ့ ဘယ္လို စကားတလံုး၊ ဘယ္လိုစာတေၾကာင္းဟာ ဘယ္သူ႔ကို ရည္ညႊန္းဖြဲ႕ ဆိုသည္ျဖစ္ေစ အဲဒီသူက လက္ခံမွျဖစ္တယ္။ အဲဒီသူက လက္မခံရင္ ဘာအက်ဳိးမွ မသက္ေရာက္ဘူး။ ဒါက ကြၽန္ေတာ္ လက္ခံထားတဲ့အခ်က္ပါဘဲ။
ဒီေတာ့ ကခ်င္စာေပကိုျဖစ္ေစ၊ လူမ်ဳိးကိုျဖစ္ေစ၊ ျပည္နယ္ကိုျဖစ္ေစ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ ပါတယ္ မပါဘူးဆိုတဲ့ ဆံုးျဖတ္ခြင့္ဟာ ကခ်င္အမ်ဳိးသား ေတြ လက္ထဲမွာဘဲရိွလို႔ပါဘဲ။
ဘယ္သူ တစ္ဦးတစ္ေယာက္ အဖြဲ႕အစည္းကမွ ဆံုးျဖတ္ပုိင္ခြင့္မရိွဘူး။ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးတုိ႔ရဲ႕ စာေပ၊ ယဥ္ေက်း မႈ၊ ျပည္နယ္ဟာ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးေတြ ရဲ႕လက္ထဲမွာဘဲ ရိွတယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ အစိုးရစာသင္ ေက်ာင္းမွာ ကခ်င္ စာမသင္ေပးလည္း ဘာမွမျဖစ္ဘူး။ စာသင္ေက်ာင္းရိွမွ စာသင္လို႔ ရတာလဲ မဟုတ္ဘူး။ တို႔တေတြမွာ အမ်ဳိးဆိုတာရိွတယ္။ မိဘေတြ ရိွတယ္။ ညီအကို ေတြရိွတယ္။ လက္ေတြကို ခိုင္ခိုင္ၿမဲၿမဲ တြဲထားၾကမယ္။ တေယာက္တတ္တာကို တေယာက္ လက္ဆင့္ကမ္းခဲ့ၾကမယ္။ တုိ႔တေတြရဲ႕ ယံုၾကည္မႈ၊ ယဥ္ေက်းမႈ၊ ဘာသာစကားေတြကို အစိုးရ စာ သင္ေက်ာင္းေတြမွာ မသင္ဘူး။ တို႔တေတြရိွတဲ့ေနရာမွာ တို႔တေတြ သင္ယူၾကမယ္ ေလ့လာၾကမယ္။ လက္ဆင့္ ကမ္းခဲ့ၾကမယ္။ တို႔ေတြရဲ႕ စာေပ ဘာသာစကားကို ေရာက္တဲ့ ေနရာမွာ ကဗ်ည္းထိုးခဲ့ၾကမယ္။ တို႔တေတြရဲ႕ အားေတြကို တင္းထားၾကမယ္။ ကဲ ဘယ္ေလာက္ ေပ်ာ္စ ရာေကာင္းလဲ….။
အမွန္တကယ္ေျပာရရင္ အစိုးရေက်ာင္းကို အမွန္တကယ္ကို မတက္ခ်င္တာ။ ကြၽန္စိတ္ကို ႐ိုက္သြင္းတဲ့ အစိုးရေက်ာင္း။ ေကာင္း/ဆိုး ေၾကာင္း/က်ဳိးကို ဆင္ျခင္စိတ္မရိွ၊ အမိန္႔နာခံမႈ စိတ္ဓာတ္ကို ႐ုိက္သြင္းေပး တဲ့ေက်ာင္းေပါ့။
ဒါဆို မင္းက ဘာလို႔ေက်ာင္းၿပီးေအာင္ တက္ခဲ့သလဲကြလို႔ ေမးခ်င္ေနစမ္းမယ္။မွန္တယ္ ကြၽန္ေတာ္ အစိုးရ ေက်ာင္းကို တက္ခဲ့တယ္။ ဘြဲ႕ရ ေအာင္ကိုတက္ခဲ့တာ။ အေျဖကေတာ့ ရွင္းတယ္။ အစိုးရကို ေကာင္းဆိုး/ေၾကာင္းက်ဳိးေတြ ေရးျပႏိုင္ဖို႔ ေက်ာင္းတက္ခဲ့တာ။ အစိုးရ သင္ ေပးတဲ့ ေက်ာင္းတက္ၿပီး အစိုးရကို ေက်းဇူး ကန္းတယ္လို႔ ေျပာဦးမွာလား။ ထင္ခ်င္သလို ထင္ႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ဒီအတြက္အေျဖ ကေတာ့ ကြၽန္ ေတာ့္ေရွ႕က ေနာင္ေတာ္ၾကီးေတြရိွပါတယ္လို႔ဘဲ ေျဖပါရေစ။
ေနာက္ၿပီး ဗမာစာကိုလည္း တတ္ကို မတတ္ခ်င္တာ။ ဒါေပမယ့္ တတ္ေအာင္ကို ေလ့လာရမယ္။ မွတ္သား ရမယ္ဆိုတဲ့အသိကို ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ ေအာင္ဆန္းကေပးခဲ့တာ။ ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေအာင္ဆန္းေျပာခဲ့တဲ့ စကားတခြန္း တသက္လံုးမေမ့ဘူ။ အဂၤလိပ္ကိုတုိက္ဖို႔အတြက္ အဂၤလိပ္စာနဲ႔ စကားကို တတ္ကို တတ္ရမယ္။ အနည္းဆံုး သူတို႔ကလာဆဲရင္ ဗိုလ္လိုျပန္ဆဲႏိုင္တာေပါ့။ သိပ္မွန္တဲ့ စကားပါ။
ဒီေနရာမွာ အဂၤလိပ္အားလံုးကို မဆိုလိုပါဘူး။ ဒါေပမယ့္ ကိုယ့္ကို အဂၤလိပ္လိုလာဆဲ၊ လာၿဖဲ၊ လာေျခာက္ ျပတဲ့သူေတြကိုသာ ဆိုလိုရင္း ျဖစ္တယ္။ ကခ်င္ေတြအားလံုး ဗမာစာ၊ စကားကို ေလ့ကိုေလ့လာရမယ္။ တတ္ကို တတ္ရမယ္။ ဒါမွ ကို္ယ့္ရန္သူကို ဘယ္လိုရင္ဆိုင္ရမယ္ဆို တာ သိႏိုင္၊ တတ္ႏိုင္မယ္။ ကိုယ္ရင္ ထဲ စိတ္ထဲ ခံစားခ်က္မွန္သမွ်ကို ဗမာလို ေရးျပ ခ်ျပႏိုင္ေအာင္ လုပ္ရမယ္။ ဒါမွ သူတို႔ေတြနားလည္မယ္၊ ဒီထက္ပိုလာရင္ေတာ့ အဂၤလိပ္လို ေရးႏိုင္ျပႏိုင္ရင္ ပိုေကာင္းမယ္။ ဒါမွ ႏိုင္ငံတကာမွ ကခ်င္လူမ်ိဳးေတြက ဒီလိုလူမ်ိဳးေတြကြဆုိၿပီး လက္ ခေမာင္းခတ္ ႏိုင္မယ္။
ဒီလို ဗမာစာကိုေလ့လာတာဟာ ကိုယ့္ဘာသာစကားကို မႀကိဳက္လို႔ မဟုတ္ဘူးဆိုတာနားလည္ရ မယ္။ ကိုယ္ဘာေၾကာင့္ ဒီလိုလုပ္တယ္ဆို တာကို ကိုယ့္ကို သိထားရမယ္။ ငါတုိ႔ရဲ႕ စာ၊ စကားကို ဘယ္လိုပိတ္ ပင္တားဆီးပါေစ။ တို႔တေတြ လက္ခံမွျဖစ္တယ္။ လက္မခံရင္ သူတို႔ေတြ ရဲ႕ရည္ရြယ္ ခ်က္ဟာ မေအာင္ မျမင္ၿဖစ္မွာဘဲ။ ဒီေတာ့ တို႔တေတြ စိတ္တိုစရာလဲမလိုဘူး။ ျပန္ဆဲစရာလဲ မလိုဘူး။ ႀကိတ္မႏိုင္ခဲမရ ျဖစ္ စရာ အေၾကာင္းမရိွဘူး။ အခ်ိန္ကုန္မယ္။ ေလကုန္တယ္။
တို႔တေတြရဲ႕ စာေပနဲ႔စာေတြကို ေရးၾကမယ္။ ကဗ်ာေတြကို ဖြဲ႕ၾကမယ္။ ကေလာင္ကိုင္လို႔ရတဲ့ လက္မွန္ သမွ်၊ ကခ်င္စာေပကို ခ်စ္ျမတ္ႏိုး တဲ့သူမွန္သမွ် ေရးၾက၊ ဖြဲ႔ၾကမယ္။ ေရွ႕တန္းမွာ အသက္ေပးလို႔ ကာကြယ္ေနတဲ့သူေတြကို ေလးစားတဲ့အတုိင္းေပါ့။ ေနာက္တန္းက ကေလာင္ ကိုင္လို႔ရတဲ့သူမွန္သမွ် ကေလာင္ကို ကုိင္ၾကေစခ်င္တယ္။
စာအုပ္တအုပ္မွာဖတ္ဖူးတာက ခုဆိုရင္ ႐ုရွားေက်ာင္းေတြမွာ ႐ုရွားဘာသာစကားအျပင္၊ အဂၤလိပ္စာ ေနာက္ မိမိႀကိဳက္တဲ့ ဘာသာစကားကို မျဖစ္မေန ေရြးခ်ယ္ၿပီးသင္ရတယ္တဲ့။ ဒီေတာ့ ရွရွား ကေလး တေယာက္ဟာ ႀကီးျပင္းလာတာနဲ႔ ဘာသာစကား သံုးမ်ဳိးကို တတ္ေနမွာျဖစ္ တယ္။ ဒီေတာ့ တို႔တေတြ အေနနဲ႔ ကခ်င္ဘာသာစကားနဲ႔ အဂၤလိပ္ဘာသာစကားအျပင္ မျဖစ္ မေနေလ့လာ ဆည္းပူးေနရမယ္။
ဗမာစာနဲ႔အိမ္နီးခ်င္း တ႐ုတ္စာကိုေလ့လာႏိုင္မွ သူတို႔တေတြနဲ႔ ယွဥ္ႏိုင္မယ္။ ကခ်င္စာကိုက်ေတာ့ ကမာၻမွာ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးေတြ ရိွခဲ့တယ္။ စာ ေပပိုင္ဆုိင္ခဲ့တယ္ဆိုတဲ့ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္နဲ႔ေလ့လာ လိုက္စား ရမယ္။
အဂၤလိပ္စာကုိက်ေတာ့ ႏိုင္ငံတကာမွာ ကခ်င္ေတြဟာ စစ္ဘဲတုိက္တဲ့လူမ်ိဳးမဟုတ္ဘူး။ ႏိုင္ငံတကာ စာေပကို အကြၽမ္းတ၀င္ရိွေၾကာင္း ျပ သႏိုင္ဖို႔တတ္ကို တတ္မွျဖစ္မယ္။
ဗမာစာကိုက်ေတာ့ ဗိုလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေအာင္ဆန္းေၿပာခဲ့တဲ့အတိုင္းေပါ့။ တ႐ုတ္စာကိုက်ေတာ့ တ႐ုတ္ေတြ လူလည္မက်ႏိုင္ေအာင္ တ႐ုတ္စာကို တတ္မွကိုျဖစ္မွာ။
ဒီေတာ့ သူငယ္ခ်င္းတုိ႔ေရ ဘာမွ မခံမရပ္ႏိုင္မျဖစ္နဲ႔။ ႀကိတ္မႏိုင္ခဲမရလဲ မျဖစ္နဲ႔။ ကုိယ္လုပ္စရာရိွတာ ကို ဆက္လုပ္ဖို႔ဘဲရိွတယ္။ တို႔တ ေတြဟာ အခြင့္အေရးရိွမွ လုပ္ႏိုင္ကုိင္ႏိုင္တာ မဟုတ္ဘူးဆိုတာ ကိုျပသဖို႔ အခ်ိန္ဘဲ။ တို႔တေတြမွာ ဘာအခြင့္အေရးမွမရိွဘူး။ ဒီထက္ပိုၿပီး ေတာ့လုပ္သမွ်ကို တားဆီး ခံေနရတယ္ ဆိုတဲ့ၾကားက တို႔တေတြရဲ႕ဘာသာစကားကို ဒီကမာၻႀကီးမွာ ခ်န္ထားခဲ့ၾကရေအာင္။ တို႔လူမ်ဳိးေတြကို ႏွိပ္ကြပ္တယ္။ တို႔ေတြ သာမဟုတ္ပါဘူး တျခားတုိင္းရင္သားေတြလည္း ရိွပါ ေသးတယ္။ လူမ်ဳိးတမ်ဳိး ကမာၻ႕ေျမေပၚက ေပ်ာက္ကြယ္သြားဖို႔ ဆိုတာ လူေတြနဲ႔မဆိုင္ဘူး။ ဘုရားသခင္နဲ႔ဘဲ ဆိုင္တယ္။ ဒါကို ခရစ္ယာန္ေတြအားလံုး သိမွာပါ။ ဒါေပမယ့္ လူမ်ဳိးတမ်ဳိး ကမာၻေပၚမွာ ရိွခဲ့တယ္ဆိုတာကို ေနာက္လူ ေတြသိဖို႔ က အဲဒီလူမ်ိဳးနဲ႔ဘဲ ဆိုင္တယ္။ ဘုရားသခင္ အလိုေတာ္ရိွရင္ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးေတြ ကမာၻေျမေပၚက ေပ်ာက္ကြယ္မွာပါ။
ဒီေတာ့ တို႔ကခ်င္လူမ်ိဳးေတြ ကမာၻေျမေပၚမွာရိွခဲ့တယ္ဆုိတာကို သက္ေသျပဖို႔ တုိ႔ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိး တေယာက္ စီတိုင္းမွာ တာ၀န္ရိွတယ္။ ေအာင္ျမင္မႈဆိုတာ အခက္ခဲ၊ တာဆီးပိတ္ပင္မႈေတြကို ေက်ာ္လႊားၿပီးမွ ရယူရ တာမ်ဳိးပါ။ အခြင့္အေရးရိွလို႔လုပ္ႏိုင္တယ္ဆိုတာေတာ့ လူ တိုင္း လုပ္ႏိုင္တယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ တုိ႔ကခ်င္ေတြက တားဆီးပိတ္ပင္ေနတဲ့ၾကားက လုပ္ႏိုင္တယ္ဆိုတာကို ျပၾကမယ္။
အာဏာရွင္မွန္သမွ်ကုိ ဆန္႔က်င့္ဖို႔ တို႔ရဲ႕ကေလာင္ဓါးကို ေသြးၾက၊ ေသြးၾကမယ္။ ေၾကာက္ရြံ႕မႈကင္းတဲ့ လြတ္လပ္တဲ့ စိတ္ထားေတြနဲ႔ေရးၾက မယ္။ ကခ်င္စာေပကို ခ်စ္ၿမတ္ႏိုးလို႔ တို႔ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးေတြ ရိွတဲ့ ေနရာ တိုင္းမွာ ကခ်င္စာကို ေရးသားခဲ့ၾကရေအာင္လား။
Moemaka Blog မွကူးယူေဖၚျပပါသည္။
မတရားသင္းပုဒ္မ ဝန္ႀကီးႏႈတ္မိန္႔ျဖင့္ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္မွာ ပယ္ဖ်က္လိုက္
မတရားသင္းပုဒ္မ ဝန္ႀကီးႏႈတ္မိန္႔ျဖင့္ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္မွာ
ဖနိဒါ | ေသာၾကာေန႔၊ ဇြန္လ ၂၂ ရက္ ၂၀၁၂ ခုႏွစ္ ၁၉ နာရီ ၃၇ မိနစ္
ခ်င္းမိုင္ (မဇၥ်ိမ) ။ ။ ျပည္ေထာင္စု ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး ေဖာ္ေဆာင္ေရး လုပ္ငန္းေကာ္မတီမွ ဒု-ဥကၠ႒ မီးရထား ဝန္ႀကီး ဦးေအာင္မင္း၏ ႏႈတ္မိန္႔ ညြန္ၾကားခ်က္အရ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္တြင္ မတရားသင္းဥပေဒပုဒ္မ ၁၇(၁)အား ပယ္ဖ်က္လိုက္ေၾကာင္း ဝန္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ ဦးလဂြ်န္ငံဆုိင္း က ေျပာသည္။
ၾကာသပေတးေန႔က ဗန္းေမာ္ေလဆိပ္တြင္ ျပည္ေထာင္စုဝန္ႀကီးက ျပည္နယ္ ဝန္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္အား မွာၾကား ခ်က္ကို ဌာနဆုိင္ရာမ်ားအား တဆင့္ညႊန္ၾကားလိုက္ျခင္း ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးအက်ဳိးေဆာင္ ဦးဆန္႔ေအာင္ ကေျပာသည္။
“ဝန္ႀကီးဦးေအာင္မင္းက ဦးလဂြ်န္ငံဆုိင္းကုိ ဗန္းေမာ္ ေလဆိပ္မွာ မတရားအသင္း ဆက္သြယ္မႈ KIO နဲ႔ ပတ္သက္လုိ႔ အမႈေတြ ပယ္ဖ်က္ဖို႔ ဒီဟာေတြနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္လို႔ မဖမ္းဆီးဖို႔၊ ဖမ္းဆီးထားသူေတြကိုလည္း ျပန္လႊတ္ေပးဖို႔ ေျပာတယ္။ ဦးလဂြ်န္ငံဆုိင္းက ျမစ္ႀကီးနား ေလဆိပ္မွာ ဌာနဆုိင္ရာေတြကုိ ျပန္ညြန္ ၾကားတယ္။ မေန႔က စလို႔ မတရား အသင္းနဲ႔ ဆက္သြယ္မႈ ဖ်က္သိမ္းလုိက္တယ္” ဟု မဇၥ်ိမကို ေျပာသည္။
သို႔ေသာ္ ကခ်င္လြတ္လပ္ေရးအဖြဲ႔ KIO ႏွင့္ ႏွီးႏႊယ္၍ မတရားအသင္း ဆက္သြယ္မႈ ပုဒ္မ ၁၇(၁)ႏွင့္ အက်ဥ္းက်ခံေန ရသူမ်ား မရွိဘဲ တျခားပုဒ္မမ်ားျဖင့္သာ ခ်မွတ္ခံေနရသူ အမ်ားအျပား ရွိသည္ဟု KIO ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး ကုိယ္စားလွယ္ ဒုဗုိလ္မႉးႀကီး ဂ်ီးေနာင္က ေျပာသည္။
“KIO စစ္သားေတြဆုိရင္ ခုိးမႈေတြ၊ လမ္းမွာ ဖမ္းတယ္ဆုိရင္ ဘိန္းမႈေတြ၊ တျခား စာရြက္စာတမ္းမႈေတြပဲ ဖမ္းထားတာ။ ၁၇(၁) နဲ႔က မရွိဘူးထင္တယ္။ ၁၉၉၄ အပစ္အခတ္ ရပ္ကတည္းက ၁၇(၁)နဲ႔မွ မခ်တာ။ အျမင္ကတ္ ပုဒ္မေတြ၊ ႐ုိက္ႏွက္မႈေတြနဲ႔ပဲ ထည့္တာ။ အမ်ားက ဘိန္းမႈပဲ” ဟု မဇိၥ်မကုိ ေျပာသည္။
အစုိးရဘက္မွ KIO ႏွင့္ ထပ္မံေတြ႔ဆံုရန္ ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္၊ မူဆယ္ၿမိဳ႕ႏွင့္ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္၊ ဗန္းေမာ္ၿမိဳ႕ တေနရာကို ကမ္းလွမ္းထားေသာ္လည္း KIO ဘက္မွ တံံု႔ျပန္ျခင္း မရွိေသးေပ။
ဖနိဒါ | ေသာၾကာေန႔၊ ဇြန္လ ၂၂ ရက္ ၂၀၁၂ ခုႏွစ္ ၁၉ နာရီ ၃၇ မိနစ္
ခ်င္းမိုင္ (မဇၥ်ိမ) ။ ။ ျပည္ေထာင္စု ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး ေဖာ္ေဆာင္ေရး လုပ္ငန္းေကာ္မတီမွ ဒု-ဥကၠ႒ မီးရထား ဝန္ႀကီး ဦးေအာင္မင္း၏ ႏႈတ္မိန္႔ ညြန္ၾကားခ်က္အရ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္တြင္ မတရားသင္းဥပေဒပုဒ္မ ၁၇(၁)အား ပယ္ဖ်က္လိုက္ေၾကာင္း ဝန္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ ဦးလဂြ်န္ငံဆုိင္း က ေျပာသည္။
ၾကာသပေတးေန႔က ဗန္းေမာ္ေလဆိပ္တြင္ ျပည္ေထာင္စုဝန္ႀကီးက ျပည္နယ္ ဝန္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္အား မွာၾကား ခ်က္ကို ဌာနဆုိင္ရာမ်ားအား တဆင့္ညႊန္ၾကားလိုက္ျခင္း ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးအက်ဳိးေဆာင္ ဦးဆန္႔ေအာင္ ကေျပာသည္။
“ဝန္ႀကီးဦးေအာင္မင္းက ဦးလဂြ်န္ငံဆုိင္းကုိ ဗန္းေမာ္ ေလဆိပ္မွာ မတရားအသင္း ဆက္သြယ္မႈ KIO နဲ႔ ပတ္သက္လုိ႔ အမႈေတြ ပယ္ဖ်က္ဖို႔ ဒီဟာေတြနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္လို႔ မဖမ္းဆီးဖို႔၊ ဖမ္းဆီးထားသူေတြကိုလည္း ျပန္လႊတ္ေပးဖို႔ ေျပာတယ္။ ဦးလဂြ်န္ငံဆုိင္းက ျမစ္ႀကီးနား ေလဆိပ္မွာ ဌာနဆုိင္ရာေတြကုိ ျပန္ညြန္ ၾကားတယ္။ မေန႔က စလို႔ မတရား အသင္းနဲ႔ ဆက္သြယ္မႈ ဖ်က္သိမ္းလုိက္တယ္” ဟု မဇၥ်ိမကို ေျပာသည္။
သို႔ေသာ္ ကခ်င္လြတ္လပ္ေရးအဖြဲ႔ KIO ႏွင့္ ႏွီးႏႊယ္၍ မတရားအသင္း ဆက္သြယ္မႈ ပုဒ္မ ၁၇(၁)ႏွင့္ အက်ဥ္းက်ခံေန ရသူမ်ား မရွိဘဲ တျခားပုဒ္မမ်ားျဖင့္သာ ခ်မွတ္ခံေနရသူ အမ်ားအျပား ရွိသည္ဟု KIO ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး ကုိယ္စားလွယ္ ဒုဗုိလ္မႉးႀကီး ဂ်ီးေနာင္က ေျပာသည္။
“KIO စစ္သားေတြဆုိရင္ ခုိးမႈေတြ၊ လမ္းမွာ ဖမ္းတယ္ဆုိရင္ ဘိန္းမႈေတြ၊ တျခား စာရြက္စာတမ္းမႈေတြပဲ ဖမ္းထားတာ။ ၁၇(၁) နဲ႔က မရွိဘူးထင္တယ္။ ၁၉၉၄ အပစ္အခတ္ ရပ္ကတည္းက ၁၇(၁)နဲ႔မွ မခ်တာ။ အျမင္ကတ္ ပုဒ္မေတြ၊ ႐ုိက္ႏွက္မႈေတြနဲ႔ပဲ ထည့္တာ။ အမ်ားက ဘိန္းမႈပဲ” ဟု မဇိၥ်မကုိ ေျပာသည္။
အစုိးရဘက္မွ KIO ႏွင့္ ထပ္မံေတြ႔ဆံုရန္ ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္၊ မူဆယ္ၿမိဳ႕ႏွင့္ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္၊ ဗန္းေမာ္ၿမိဳ႕ တေနရာကို ကမ္းလွမ္းထားေသာ္လည္း KIO ဘက္မွ တံံု႔ျပန္ျခင္း မရွိေသးေပ။
Myen A Mungdan Dinghku Majan Shazim Masa hte Mungdan Galai Shai Masa
Myen Asuya gaw shang lawt
Hpung hta lai nna laga amyu baw sang rawt malan hpung ni hte gap shazim da lu
sai nga nna mungkan de n’gun mi alu rai nbung kawut shmawng nga malu ai.
Shanhte tsun ai hku teng yang amyu bawng sang laknak lang hpung ni lapran hta
zim mat sani? Majan nnga sai kun? Tsun ai hte galaw taw nga ai gaw lamu hte ga
shai ai zawn rai nga ai.
Shahte dai hku masu tsun, galaw nga ai gaw maigan mungdan ni hpe mungdan simsa lam galai shai sai ngu ai hpe myawk le madun nna dollar hpa-ga kaba shalen la nga ai lam sha re.
1. Amyu baw sang ni hte gap jahkring -simsa lam lamang galaw ga baw hte mungkan mungdan de na shang gumhpraw tam lu na matu hpaga galaw nga ai. Sinna maigan asuya ni gaw myen asuya wa mungdan dinghku majan shatsim kau lu na matu garum gumhpraw dolla wan lam hku garum na lam nga nga malu ai. Ga shadawn Norway asuya ni gaw myen mung simsa lam a matu garum na matu dollar wan kaba lam jaw na nga nna tsun nga ai. Dai majaw amyu baw sang lak nak lang hpung ni hpe hkan jahkrum nna zuphpawng galaw dan , hkam daka nnga ai sen jawm mahkret dan re lam ni hpe shiga dap de ka bang shabra rai myawk le galaw madun nga ma ai. tenng sha hpa wa mi shai nga sata? SSA ni gap shatsim myit hkrum ngut masai le hpa majaw matut nna htim gasat ding yang rai nga ai ta? Dai majaw teng sha hkam daga re sakse sak pru ai hku nna bawng ban ai sha nrai yang hkrum jahta ai lam galaw ai gaw myen asuya wa a hpa-ga galaw lam hta grau na amyat lu na lam len ya lawm ai lam sha tai wa chye nga ai.
2. Mungdan kata mung masa lam galai shai taw nga sai ngu nna mung arawng mi alu nga tsun nga ma ai. Myen myu sha ni matu jawm galai shai nga sai, tim amyu baw sang ni matu hpa baw wa galai shai nga sata? Hpyi kaw nsam amyu myu di chya shatsawm dan nna maigan hpa-ga hpung kaba ni hpe shalen bang taw nga ai lam re. Myen hpyen dap gaw shanhte a hpyenla ni hpe shabrai shaw jaw na gumhpraw pa nlu mat wa ai madang de du nga sai. Dai majaw maigan hpa-ga hpung ni, jak rung kaba ni lawan ladan shang wa nna hpaga galaw wa jang myen amyu ni hta shang gumhpraw chyai wa na lu ai, dai shaloi hpyen n’gun grau bai ja wa na re. Myen myu sha ni hta bungli lu masha law, gumhpraw lu masha law wa na raitim amyu baw sang ni jawm gaw hpa lak lai nna gumhpraw lu wa masa nnga shi ai.
3. Myen asuya wa teng sha jet ai munghpawm mungdan hpe gaw de mayu ai hte, mungdan ding hku majan hpe zepzi dawm shatsim kau mayu yang;
1) Hpa majaw myen hpyen dap ni n’gun htu dingyang, shamu shamawt dingyang hte majan shatsim ai lam hpe ndau ai lam n’galaw ai.
2) Myen asuya a pali-man hta ding hku majan ni hpe dawm kau lu na lam hte seng nna hpa majaw bawng ban daw dan ai lam n galaw ai ,
3) Amyu bawsang ni nra ai 2008 a munghpawm uphkang tara kanu hpe gram byeng kau ai lam hpa majaw n’galaw ai.
4) Hpa majaw UNFC amyu baw sang dap hpawm ni hpe shaga zuphpawng nna kalang ta mung hpawm a mung masa mang hkang ni hpe nkam hparan kau ai.
5) Myen hpyen dap hte shang lawt gaw, 2011 June majan hpang kawn majan shazim na matu hkrum jahta ai 2012 June 20 e Mai Ja Yang hta bai hkrum ai hte rai yang (7) lang dang rai wa sai tim, hpa majaw asuya maga de na dat kasa ni sa shagu grak lagra re daw dan mai ai ga baw nnga ai sha ten shama hkrum nna ngut mat mat re ta?..ndai zawn hkrum jahta ai gaw maigan dollar hpa-ga galaw ai lam re.
By M.Zau Hkum
June 21, 2012
Shahte dai hku masu tsun, galaw nga ai gaw maigan mungdan ni hpe mungdan simsa lam galai shai sai ngu ai hpe myawk le madun nna dollar hpa-ga kaba shalen la nga ai lam sha re.
1. Amyu baw sang ni hte gap jahkring -simsa lam lamang galaw ga baw hte mungkan mungdan de na shang gumhpraw tam lu na matu hpaga galaw nga ai. Sinna maigan asuya ni gaw myen asuya wa mungdan dinghku majan shatsim kau lu na matu garum gumhpraw dolla wan lam hku garum na lam nga nga malu ai. Ga shadawn Norway asuya ni gaw myen mung simsa lam a matu garum na matu dollar wan kaba lam jaw na nga nna tsun nga ai. Dai majaw amyu baw sang lak nak lang hpung ni hpe hkan jahkrum nna zuphpawng galaw dan , hkam daka nnga ai sen jawm mahkret dan re lam ni hpe shiga dap de ka bang shabra rai myawk le galaw madun nga ma ai. tenng sha hpa wa mi shai nga sata? SSA ni gap shatsim myit hkrum ngut masai le hpa majaw matut nna htim gasat ding yang rai nga ai ta? Dai majaw teng sha hkam daga re sakse sak pru ai hku nna bawng ban ai sha nrai yang hkrum jahta ai lam galaw ai gaw myen asuya wa a hpa-ga galaw lam hta grau na amyat lu na lam len ya lawm ai lam sha tai wa chye nga ai.
2. Mungdan kata mung masa lam galai shai taw nga sai ngu nna mung arawng mi alu nga tsun nga ma ai. Myen myu sha ni matu jawm galai shai nga sai, tim amyu baw sang ni matu hpa baw wa galai shai nga sata? Hpyi kaw nsam amyu myu di chya shatsawm dan nna maigan hpa-ga hpung kaba ni hpe shalen bang taw nga ai lam re. Myen hpyen dap gaw shanhte a hpyenla ni hpe shabrai shaw jaw na gumhpraw pa nlu mat wa ai madang de du nga sai. Dai majaw maigan hpa-ga hpung ni, jak rung kaba ni lawan ladan shang wa nna hpaga galaw wa jang myen amyu ni hta shang gumhpraw chyai wa na lu ai, dai shaloi hpyen n’gun grau bai ja wa na re. Myen myu sha ni hta bungli lu masha law, gumhpraw lu masha law wa na raitim amyu baw sang ni jawm gaw hpa lak lai nna gumhpraw lu wa masa nnga shi ai.
3. Myen asuya wa teng sha jet ai munghpawm mungdan hpe gaw de mayu ai hte, mungdan ding hku majan hpe zepzi dawm shatsim kau mayu yang;
1) Hpa majaw myen hpyen dap ni n’gun htu dingyang, shamu shamawt dingyang hte majan shatsim ai lam hpe ndau ai lam n’galaw ai.
2) Myen asuya a pali-man hta ding hku majan ni hpe dawm kau lu na lam hte seng nna hpa majaw bawng ban daw dan ai lam n galaw ai ,
3) Amyu bawsang ni nra ai 2008 a munghpawm uphkang tara kanu hpe gram byeng kau ai lam hpa majaw n’galaw ai.
4) Hpa majaw UNFC amyu baw sang dap hpawm ni hpe shaga zuphpawng nna kalang ta mung hpawm a mung masa mang hkang ni hpe nkam hparan kau ai.
5) Myen hpyen dap hte shang lawt gaw, 2011 June majan hpang kawn majan shazim na matu hkrum jahta ai 2012 June 20 e Mai Ja Yang hta bai hkrum ai hte rai yang (7) lang dang rai wa sai tim, hpa majaw asuya maga de na dat kasa ni sa shagu grak lagra re daw dan mai ai ga baw nnga ai sha ten shama hkrum nna ngut mat mat re ta?..ndai zawn hkrum jahta ai gaw maigan dollar hpa-ga galaw ai lam re.
By M.Zau Hkum
June 21, 2012
na ningmu laika gaw laika sara M Zau Hkum a ningmu rai nna Overseas Kachin
Association a ningmu nre lam shana ga ai.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
KIO No Longer Outlawed
No Longer Outlawed
Refugees from Kachin State cook meals at a temporary camp by the Chinese border. (Photo: Reuters
Kachin State’s Chief Minister La John Ngan Hsai declared on Thursday that Naypyidaw had told him to instruct the various departments within his regional assembly in Myitkyina to dismiss or ignore the constitutional act that outlaws the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO).
Speaking to The Irrawaddy, San Aung, who has been a mediator at peace talks between the KIO and the Burmese government, said that the order was given to effectively repeal Article 17/1, which states that it is illegal for anyone to have contact with an outlawed organization. The constitutional law, which dates back to British colonial times, has been used for years to justify the arbitrary arrest of anyone suspected of supporting anti-government organizations or ethnic armed groups.
San Aung said, “The chief minister called the heads of several departments [in Kachin State] at around 10 am, and told them that Naypyidaw had instructed him to ‘drop Article 17/1.’
“This is a very positive development, because this is one of the main issues that the KIO demanded from [government delegation leader] U Aung Min yesterday at the meeting,” he said.
The rescission of the constitutional article, whether as a de jure act in Parliament or as a de facto policy will have an immediate bearing on 49 ethnic Kachins who are currently detained under 17/1, accused of being KIO supporters or sympathizers.
“The 20 people who have been detained this month will probably be released soon,” said San Aung. “However, the 29 who have already gone to trial will probably have to complete the legal proceedings.”
Burmese authorities arrested 20 people they accused of supporting the KIO at IDP camps in state capital Myitkyina earlier this month. Since then, Kachin sources say, many displaced Kachin villagers have been afraid to stay in the shelters.
“The rescission of Article 17/1 will be very good for the refugees,” said San Aung. “They will be able to leave the camps and look for their families or try to return to their villages.”
San Aung was alluding to the common perception among Burmese authorities that anyone from conflict zone villages or returning from rescue shelters must inevitably be a supporter of the KIO.
At Wednesday’s meeting in Maijayang, the government delegation reportedly told the KIO leaders to propose a list of political prisoners who they believe should be released.
Meanwhile, around 70,000 Kachin villagers remain as refugees or as displaced persons, having fled their homes over the past year to escape fighting between the KIO and the Burmese army.
Kachin sources said on Thursday that the leaders of the KIO appear content with the substance of their meeting the day before in Maijayang where a government delegation led by Railways Minister Aung Min, who was recently appointed vice-chairman of the newly formed Union Peacemaking Working Committee, met with the KIA’s chief of staff, Maj-Gen Sumlut Gun Maw, and other KIA/ KIO leaders.
The next meeting is reportedly due to take place at an unspecified date in Bhamo Township if the KIO agree in principal with the map proposed by the government suggesting sites for the relocation of military bases.
The KIO representatives told Aung Min that they will meet after they had discussed the military map proposal at Laiza, the headquarters of the KIO.
Refugees from Kachin State cook meals at a temporary camp by the Chinese border. (Photo: Reuters
Kachin State’s Chief Minister La John Ngan Hsai declared on Thursday that Naypyidaw had told him to instruct the various departments within his regional assembly in Myitkyina to dismiss or ignore the constitutional act that outlaws the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO).
Speaking to The Irrawaddy, San Aung, who has been a mediator at peace talks between the KIO and the Burmese government, said that the order was given to effectively repeal Article 17/1, which states that it is illegal for anyone to have contact with an outlawed organization. The constitutional law, which dates back to British colonial times, has been used for years to justify the arbitrary arrest of anyone suspected of supporting anti-government organizations or ethnic armed groups.
San Aung said, “The chief minister called the heads of several departments [in Kachin State] at around 10 am, and told them that Naypyidaw had instructed him to ‘drop Article 17/1.’
“This is a very positive development, because this is one of the main issues that the KIO demanded from [government delegation leader] U Aung Min yesterday at the meeting,” he said.
The rescission of the constitutional article, whether as a de jure act in Parliament or as a de facto policy will have an immediate bearing on 49 ethnic Kachins who are currently detained under 17/1, accused of being KIO supporters or sympathizers.
“The 20 people who have been detained this month will probably be released soon,” said San Aung. “However, the 29 who have already gone to trial will probably have to complete the legal proceedings.”
Burmese authorities arrested 20 people they accused of supporting the KIO at IDP camps in state capital Myitkyina earlier this month. Since then, Kachin sources say, many displaced Kachin villagers have been afraid to stay in the shelters.
“The rescission of Article 17/1 will be very good for the refugees,” said San Aung. “They will be able to leave the camps and look for their families or try to return to their villages.”
San Aung was alluding to the common perception among Burmese authorities that anyone from conflict zone villages or returning from rescue shelters must inevitably be a supporter of the KIO.
At Wednesday’s meeting in Maijayang, the government delegation reportedly told the KIO leaders to propose a list of political prisoners who they believe should be released.
Meanwhile, around 70,000 Kachin villagers remain as refugees or as displaced persons, having fled their homes over the past year to escape fighting between the KIO and the Burmese army.
Kachin sources said on Thursday that the leaders of the KIO appear content with the substance of their meeting the day before in Maijayang where a government delegation led by Railways Minister Aung Min, who was recently appointed vice-chairman of the newly formed Union Peacemaking Working Committee, met with the KIA’s chief of staff, Maj-Gen Sumlut Gun Maw, and other KIA/ KIO leaders.
The next meeting is reportedly due to take place at an unspecified date in Bhamo Township if the KIO agree in principal with the map proposed by the government suggesting sites for the relocation of military bases.
The KIO representatives told Aung Min that they will meet after they had discussed the military map proposal at Laiza, the headquarters of the KIO.
Burma's Democratic Rise?
Burma has undergone a series of promising reforms: the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, the transition to a somewhat civilian government and the opening of the once-closed country. But recent violence in Rakhine State threatens to undermine these changes. Will the promising reforms we've seen in Burma over the last couple years continue?
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
DASSK + MZN @ LSE - DVB Live 19.06.2012
DVB TV Live - 19 June 2012 - LSE discussion roundtable on "Rule of Law" with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Dr Maung Zarni
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
ျမန္မာ့အေရး ျပည္တြင္းျပည္ပ ဆက္လက္လႈပ္ရွားဖုိ႔ ေဒၚစု တုိက္တြန္း
တနလၤာ, 18 ဇြန္ 2012
ျမန္မာ့အေရး ျပည္တြင္းျပည္ပ ဆက္လက္လႈပ္ရွားဖုိ႔ ေဒၚစု တုိက္တြန္း
By မနႏၵာခ်မ္း
ျမန္မာ့ဒီမိုကေရစီေခါင္းေဆာင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္နဲ႔ လူ႔အခြင့္အေရးလႈပ္ရွားသူ အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏို။
ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံ ဒီမုိကေရစီရရွိဖုိ႔နဲ႔ တုိင္းရင္းသား ပဋိပကၡေတြမွာ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးရရွိဖုိ႔ အတြက္ကို ႏုိင္ငံေရး အရ ေရွ႕ ဆက္လုပ္စရာေတြ အမ်ားအျပား က်န္ေနေသးၿပီး လႊတ္ေတာ္အတြင္းေရာ အျပင္မွာပါ ေဆာင္ရြက္ ရမယ့္ ကိစၥေတြရွိေနေသးတယ္လုိ႔ ႏိုဘဲလ္ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးဆုရွင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္ က ဒီကေန႔ ေျပာ ဆိုလိုက္ပါ တယ္။ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံ ေအာ္စလိုၿမိဳ႕မွာ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးႏွီးေႏွာ ဖလွယ္ပြဲအၿပီး U2 ေတးဂီတ အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏို၊ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံျခားေရး၀န္ႀကီးတို႔နဲ႔အတူ ျပဳလုပ္တဲ့ သတင္းစာ ရွင္းလင္းပြဲ အတြင္း ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ က ေျပာဆုိခဲ့တာပါ။ အေသးစိတ္ကို မနႏၵာခ်မ္းက တင္ျပေပးထားပါ တယ္။
ႏိုဘဲလ္ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးဆုရွင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ဟာ ေအာ္စလုိၿမိဳ႕ေတာ္နဲ႔ မနီးမေ၀းမွာ ရွိတဲ့ Losby Gods အပန္းေျဖၿမိဳ႕ေလးက “မေျပာင္းလဲႏုိင္ေသာ အရာေတြကို ေျပာင္းလဲျခင္း အသြင္းကူး ေျပာင္းေရး ကာလ ေတြ႔ဆံုေဆြးေႏြးမႈအခန္းက႑”လို႔ အမည္ေပးထားၿပီး ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံက ျပဳျပင္ ေျပာင္းလဲေရး လုပ္ငန္း စဥ္နဲ႔ပတ္သက္လုိ႔ ထည့္သြင္းေဆြးေႏြးမယ့္ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးႏွီးေႏွာဖလွယ္ပြဲကို တက္ေရာက္ခဲ့ပါ တယ္။ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံခရီးစဥ္ ေနာက္ဆံုးေန႔အျဖစ္ တက္ေရာက္ခဲ့တဲ့ ဒီအခမ္းအနား မွာ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံျခား ေရး၀န္ႀကီး ဂ်ိဳနာဂါးစတိုး (Jonas Gahr Støre)၊ ဆြီဒင္ႏုိင္ငံျခားေရး၀န္ႀကီး ကားလ္ ဘလစ္ဒ္ (Carl Bildt)၊ ျမန္မာစက္မႈ၀န္ႀကီး ဦးစုိးသိန္းတုိ႔အျပင္ ကမာၻေက်ာ္ ဂီတ၀ုိင္းတခု ျဖစ္တဲ့ U2 အဖဲြ႔က အဆုိေတာ္ ဘုိႏုိလည္း တက္ေရာက္ခဲ့တာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒီအခမ္းအနားအၿပီး ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံျခားေရး၀န္ႀကီး ဂ်ိဳနာ ဂါး စတိုး၊ U2 အဖြဲ႔ အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏို တို႔နဲ႔အတူ ပူးတြဲျပဳလုပ္တဲ့ သတင္းစာရွင္းလင္းပြဲအတြင္း ေဒၚေအာင္ ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ကေန ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံမွာ စစ္မွန္တဲ့ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး ရရွိဖို႔အတြက္ဆိုရင္ လႊတ္ေတာ္အတြင္း ကေနေရာ လႊတ္ေတာ္ အျပင္ကေနပါလုပ္ဖို႔ လိုအပ္တယ္လို႔ သတင္းေထာက္တဦးရဲ႕ အေမးကို အခုလို ေျပာခဲ့ပါတယ္။
“အဲ့ဒီအတြက္ က်မတို႔ ႀကိဳးစားသြားရမွာေပါ့။ အစကတည္းက က်မတို႔က လႊတ္ေတာ္ျပင္ပကေနၿပီး ႀကိဳးစား လာတာျဖစ္တယ္။ အခုက်ေတာ့ လႊတ္ေတာ္အတြင္းကေနလည္း ႀကိဳးစားရမယ္။ လႊတ္ေတာ္ ျပင္ပက ႀကိဳးစားမႈေတြကိုလည္း ဆက္ၿပီးေတာ့ က်မတို႔ လုပ္ေဆာင္ရမယ္။”
ဒါ့အျပင္ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံရဲ႕ ႏုိင္ငံေရးျပႆနာေတြ ေျပလည္ဖို႔အတြက္ ႏုိင္ငံေရးေဆြးေႏြးပြဲေတြ လိုအပ္ၿပီး ဒီႏုိင္ငံေရးေဆြးေႏြးပြဲမွာလည္း ဘက္ေပါင္းစံုက လူေတြ အားလံုး ပါ၀င္တဲ့ ေတြ႔ဆံု ေဆြးေႏြးမႈမ်ိဳးျဖစ္ဖို႔ လိုအပ္တယ္လို႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္က ေျပာခဲ့ပါေသးတယ္။
“က်မနဲ႔ သမၼတႀကီးဦးသိန္းစိန္ ေတြ႔တာက တေယာက္နဲ႔တေယာက္ ေဆြးေႏြးတိုင္ပင္တာေပါ့ေနာ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့ ဒီဟာက တကယ့္ႏုိင္ငံေရး ေဆြးေႏြးပြဲလို႔ က်မကေတာ့ မျမင္ပါဘူး။ ဘာျဖစ္လို႔လဲ ဆိုေတာ့ ဒါက လူ ၂ ဦး ၂ ေယာက္ၾကားမွာ ေဆြးေႏြးမႈပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ တကယ့္ႏုိင္ငံေရး ေဆြးေႏြးမႈဆိုတာဟာ ဒါထက္ပိုၿပီး ေတာ့ က်ယ္ျပန္႔ဖို႔ လိုပါတယ္။ အဲဒီဟာကို က်မ ဆိုလိုတာပါ။ အဲဒီေတာ့ တကယ့္ ႏုိင္ငံေရးေဆြးေႏြးမႈ ဆိုတာဟာ အားလံုး စားပဲြဝုိင္းမွာထုိင္ၿပီးေတာ့ သက္ဆိုင္တဲ့သူေတြ၊ အထူး သျဖင့္ တုိင္းရင္းသားေတြ ဥပမာ အစိုးရဘက္က လူေတြလည္း ပါရမယ္၊ အတုိက္အခံဘက္ ကလူ ေတြလည္း ပါရမယ္။ က်မတို႔ တုိင္းရင္းသားလူမ်ုဳိးစုေတြကို ကိုယ္စားျပဳတဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳလ္ေတြလည္း ပါရမယ္။ ဒါကိုမွ တကယ့္ ႏိုင္ငံေရး ေဆြးေႏြးပဲြလုိ႔ ေခၚႏုိင္မွာပါ။ က်မတို႔ ႏွစ္ဦးခ်င္းၾကားမွာ ေျပာတာ၊ ဆိုတာ၊ ေဆြးေႏြးတာေလာက္နဲ႔ ႏုိင္ငံေရး ေဆြးေႏြးပဲြ ျဖစ္ေျမာက္တယ္ လို႔ မဆိုႏိုင္ဘူးဆိုတဲ့ အဓိပၸာယ္နဲ႔ က်မ ေျပာတာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။”
ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၂၀ ေက်ာ္ ကာလအတြင္း ပထမဆံုးအႀကိမ္ ဥေရာပခရီးစဥ္စတင္လာခဲ့တဲ့ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္ ဟာ ဒီကေန႔မွာေတာ့ သူ႔ကို အစဥ္အၿမဲ အားေပးေထာက္ခံခဲ့တဲ့ ကမၻာေက်ာ္ U2 ေတးဂီတ အဖြဲ႔က အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏိုနဲ႔လည္း ဒီအခမ္းအနားမွာ ပထမဆံုး ေတြ႔ဆံုခဲ့တာပါ။ အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏို ကိုယ္တိုင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ကို ဂုဏ္ျပဳစပ္ဆိုထားတဲ့ Walk On ေတးသီခ်င္းကိုလည္း အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏိုက သူ႔အေနနဲ႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္ကို အထင္ႀကီး ေလးစားရတာဟာ - သူမရဲ႕ အၾကမ္းမဖက္ ႀကိဳးပမ္း မႈေတြေၾကာင့္ ျဖစ္တယ္လို႔ အဆိုေတာ္ဘိုႏို က ေျပာဆိုသြားခဲ့ပါတယ္။ လူ႔အခြင့္အေရး လႈပ္ရွားမႈအဖဲြ႔ ျဖစ္တဲ့ Amnesty International ရဲ႕ အဖဲြ႔၀င္တဦးလည္းျဖစ္တဲ့ ဘုိႏုိ္က ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ လြတ္ ေျမာက္ေရးအပါအ၀င္ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံအေရး လႈပ္ရွားမႈေတြမွာ တက္တက္ႂကြႂကြ ပါ၀င္ခဲ့တဲ့ သူ႔ရဲ႕ အေတြ႔ အႀကံဳကုိလည္း မွ်ေ၀ခဲ့တာပါ။
“မွင္သက္မိတဲ့ ခံစားခ်က္မ်ဳိး ျဖစ္မိတယ္ဆုိတဲ့ စကားလုံးကုိပဲ သုံးရမယ္ ထင္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့လည္း ဒီလုိ ခံစားခ်က္ကုိ ေက်ာ္လႊားႏုိင္ေအာင္ က်ေနာ္ ႀကိဳးစားေနရပါတယ္။ ဆုိလုိတာကေတာ့ က်ေနာ့္ အေနနဲ႔ ဒီလုိ ခံစားခ်က္ မျဖစ္ပါဘူးဆုိတာမ်ဳိး ဟန္ေဆာင္ျပေနရတာပါ။”
၂၀၀၉ ခုႏွစ္မွာတုန္းကလည္း U2 အဖြဲ႔ရဲ႕ ၃၆၀ ဒီဂရီလို႔ အမည္ေပးထားတဲ့ ဥေရာပနဲ႔ အေမရိကန္ လွည့္ လည္ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖေရး အစီအစဥ္မွာ စုစုေပါင္း ၄၄ ပြဲ သီဆိုေဖ်ာ္ေျဖခဲ့ၿပီး သူ႔ရဲ႕ ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲတုိင္း မွာလည္းပဲ ျမန္မာ့ ဒီမိုကေရစီ ေခါင္းေဆာင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္အတြက္ အမွတ္တရ အားေပး စပ္ဆိုထားတဲ့ Walk On ဆက္ေလွ်ာက္ေနပါဆိုတဲ့ သီခ်င္းကို သီဆိုၿပီး ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ဆိုတာ ဘယ္သူ ျဖစ္တယ္ဆိုတာကို ပရိသတ္ေတြသိေအာင္ သူက ရွင္းျပခဲ့သူပါ။ အဲ့ဒီ Walk On သီခ်င္းကို သီဆိုၾကတဲ့ အခ်ိန္မွာ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္ရဲ႕ ဓာတ္ပံုကို မ်က္ႏွာဖံုးအျဖစ္ ပရိသတ္ေတြက တၿပိဳင္တည္း တပ္ဆင္ အားေပးၾကဖို႔အတြက္ကိုလည္း စီစဥ္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ အဲ့ဒီအခ်ိန္တုန္းကေတာ့ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ဟာ ေနအိမ္အက်ယ္ခ်ဳပ္ဘ၀နဲ႔ ထိန္းသိမ္း ခံေနရဆဲကာလျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ဟာ ဥေရာပခရီးစဥ္ေတြထဲက တခုျဖစ္တဲ့ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏိုင္ငံခရီးစဥ္ကို ဒီကေန႔ အဆုံးသတ္ ၿပီးတဲ့ေနာက္မွာေတာ့ အုိင္ယာလန္ႏုိင္ငံ ဒဗၺလင္ၿမိဳ႕ကုိ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ခရီးဆက္ၿပီး အဲဒီမွာ လူ႔အခြင့္ အေရး လႈပ္ရွားမႈအဖဲြ႔ Amnesty International ရဲ႕ အျမင့္ဆုံးဆု အျဖစ္ ယုံၾကည္မႈ ဆုိင္ရာ ဂုဏ္ထူးေဆာင္ သံအမတ္ႀကီးဆုကုိ အုိင္ယာလန္ႏုိ္င္ငံ ဒဗၺလင္ၿမိဳ႕မွာ အခမ္းအနားနဲ႔အတူ လက္ခံ ရယူသြားမွာပါ။ ဒီေနာက္ မွာေတာ့ ၿဗိတိန္ႏုိ္င္ငံကုိ သြားေရာက္ၿပီး လႊတ္ေတာ္တြင္း စကားေျပာဆုိဖုိ႔ ရွိသလုိ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ရဲ႕ ၆၇ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ ေမြးေန႔ကုိ ၿဗိတိန္ႏုိ္င္ငံမွာ သားႏွစ္ေယာက္နဲ႔အတူ ကုန္လြန္လိမ့္မယ္လုိ႔ လည္း ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ရပါ တယ္။ ၂၄ ရက္ေန႔ ခရီးစဥ္ အဆုံးမသတ္မီမွာေတာ့ ျပင္သစ္ ႏုိင္ငံကုိ ၀င္ေရာက္ဦးမွာလည္း ျဖစ္ပါတယ္ရွင္။
ျမန္မာ့အေရး ျပည္တြင္းျပည္ပ ဆက္လက္လႈပ္ရွားဖုိ႔ ေဒၚစု တုိက္တြန္း
By မနႏၵာခ်မ္း
ျမန္မာ့ဒီမိုကေရစီေခါင္းေဆာင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္နဲ႔ လူ႔အခြင့္အေရးလႈပ္ရွားသူ အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏို။
ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံ ဒီမုိကေရစီရရွိဖုိ႔နဲ႔ တုိင္းရင္းသား ပဋိပကၡေတြမွာ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးရရွိဖုိ႔ အတြက္ကို ႏုိင္ငံေရး အရ ေရွ႕ ဆက္လုပ္စရာေတြ အမ်ားအျပား က်န္ေနေသးၿပီး လႊတ္ေတာ္အတြင္းေရာ အျပင္မွာပါ ေဆာင္ရြက္ ရမယ့္ ကိစၥေတြရွိေနေသးတယ္လုိ႔ ႏိုဘဲလ္ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးဆုရွင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္ က ဒီကေန႔ ေျပာ ဆိုလိုက္ပါ တယ္။ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံ ေအာ္စလိုၿမိဳ႕မွာ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးႏွီးေႏွာ ဖလွယ္ပြဲအၿပီး U2 ေတးဂီတ အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏို၊ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံျခားေရး၀န္ႀကီးတို႔နဲ႔အတူ ျပဳလုပ္တဲ့ သတင္းစာ ရွင္းလင္းပြဲ အတြင္း ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ က ေျပာဆုိခဲ့တာပါ။ အေသးစိတ္ကို မနႏၵာခ်မ္းက တင္ျပေပးထားပါ တယ္။
ႏိုဘဲလ္ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးဆုရွင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ဟာ ေအာ္စလုိၿမိဳ႕ေတာ္နဲ႔ မနီးမေ၀းမွာ ရွိတဲ့ Losby Gods အပန္းေျဖၿမိဳ႕ေလးက “မေျပာင္းလဲႏုိင္ေသာ အရာေတြကို ေျပာင္းလဲျခင္း အသြင္းကူး ေျပာင္းေရး ကာလ ေတြ႔ဆံုေဆြးေႏြးမႈအခန္းက႑”လို႔ အမည္ေပးထားၿပီး ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံက ျပဳျပင္ ေျပာင္းလဲေရး လုပ္ငန္း စဥ္နဲ႔ပတ္သက္လုိ႔ ထည့္သြင္းေဆြးေႏြးမယ့္ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးႏွီးေႏွာဖလွယ္ပြဲကို တက္ေရာက္ခဲ့ပါ တယ္။ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံခရီးစဥ္ ေနာက္ဆံုးေန႔အျဖစ္ တက္ေရာက္ခဲ့တဲ့ ဒီအခမ္းအနား မွာ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံျခား ေရး၀န္ႀကီး ဂ်ိဳနာဂါးစတိုး (Jonas Gahr Støre)၊ ဆြီဒင္ႏုိင္ငံျခားေရး၀န္ႀကီး ကားလ္ ဘလစ္ဒ္ (Carl Bildt)၊ ျမန္မာစက္မႈ၀န္ႀကီး ဦးစုိးသိန္းတုိ႔အျပင္ ကမာၻေက်ာ္ ဂီတ၀ုိင္းတခု ျဖစ္တဲ့ U2 အဖဲြ႔က အဆုိေတာ္ ဘုိႏုိလည္း တက္ေရာက္ခဲ့တာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒီအခမ္းအနားအၿပီး ေနာ္ေ၀ႏုိင္ငံျခားေရး၀န္ႀကီး ဂ်ိဳနာ ဂါး စတိုး၊ U2 အဖြဲ႔ အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏို တို႔နဲ႔အတူ ပူးတြဲျပဳလုပ္တဲ့ သတင္းစာရွင္းလင္းပြဲအတြင္း ေဒၚေအာင္ ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ကေန ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံမွာ စစ္မွန္တဲ့ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး ရရွိဖို႔အတြက္ဆိုရင္ လႊတ္ေတာ္အတြင္း ကေနေရာ လႊတ္ေတာ္ အျပင္ကေနပါလုပ္ဖို႔ လိုအပ္တယ္လို႔ သတင္းေထာက္တဦးရဲ႕ အေမးကို အခုလို ေျပာခဲ့ပါတယ္။
“အဲ့ဒီအတြက္ က်မတို႔ ႀကိဳးစားသြားရမွာေပါ့။ အစကတည္းက က်မတို႔က လႊတ္ေတာ္ျပင္ပကေနၿပီး ႀကိဳးစား လာတာျဖစ္တယ္။ အခုက်ေတာ့ လႊတ္ေတာ္အတြင္းကေနလည္း ႀကိဳးစားရမယ္။ လႊတ္ေတာ္ ျပင္ပက ႀကိဳးစားမႈေတြကိုလည္း ဆက္ၿပီးေတာ့ က်မတို႔ လုပ္ေဆာင္ရမယ္။”
ဒါ့အျပင္ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံရဲ႕ ႏုိင္ငံေရးျပႆနာေတြ ေျပလည္ဖို႔အတြက္ ႏုိင္ငံေရးေဆြးေႏြးပြဲေတြ လိုအပ္ၿပီး ဒီႏုိင္ငံေရးေဆြးေႏြးပြဲမွာလည္း ဘက္ေပါင္းစံုက လူေတြ အားလံုး ပါ၀င္တဲ့ ေတြ႔ဆံု ေဆြးေႏြးမႈမ်ိဳးျဖစ္ဖို႔ လိုအပ္တယ္လို႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္က ေျပာခဲ့ပါေသးတယ္။
“က်မနဲ႔ သမၼတႀကီးဦးသိန္းစိန္ ေတြ႔တာက တေယာက္နဲ႔တေယာက္ ေဆြးေႏြးတိုင္ပင္တာေပါ့ေနာ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့ ဒီဟာက တကယ့္ႏုိင္ငံေရး ေဆြးေႏြးပြဲလို႔ က်မကေတာ့ မျမင္ပါဘူး။ ဘာျဖစ္လို႔လဲ ဆိုေတာ့ ဒါက လူ ၂ ဦး ၂ ေယာက္ၾကားမွာ ေဆြးေႏြးမႈပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ တကယ့္ႏုိင္ငံေရး ေဆြးေႏြးမႈဆိုတာဟာ ဒါထက္ပိုၿပီး ေတာ့ က်ယ္ျပန္႔ဖို႔ လိုပါတယ္။ အဲဒီဟာကို က်မ ဆိုလိုတာပါ။ အဲဒီေတာ့ တကယ့္ ႏုိင္ငံေရးေဆြးေႏြးမႈ ဆိုတာဟာ အားလံုး စားပဲြဝုိင္းမွာထုိင္ၿပီးေတာ့ သက္ဆိုင္တဲ့သူေတြ၊ အထူး သျဖင့္ တုိင္းရင္းသားေတြ ဥပမာ အစိုးရဘက္က လူေတြလည္း ပါရမယ္၊ အတုိက္အခံဘက္ ကလူ ေတြလည္း ပါရမယ္။ က်မတို႔ တုိင္းရင္းသားလူမ်ုဳိးစုေတြကို ကိုယ္စားျပဳတဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳလ္ေတြလည္း ပါရမယ္။ ဒါကိုမွ တကယ့္ ႏိုင္ငံေရး ေဆြးေႏြးပဲြလုိ႔ ေခၚႏုိင္မွာပါ။ က်မတို႔ ႏွစ္ဦးခ်င္းၾကားမွာ ေျပာတာ၊ ဆိုတာ၊ ေဆြးေႏြးတာေလာက္နဲ႔ ႏုိင္ငံေရး ေဆြးေႏြးပဲြ ျဖစ္ေျမာက္တယ္ လို႔ မဆိုႏိုင္ဘူးဆိုတဲ့ အဓိပၸာယ္နဲ႔ က်မ ေျပာတာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။”
ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၂၀ ေက်ာ္ ကာလအတြင္း ပထမဆံုးအႀကိမ္ ဥေရာပခရီးစဥ္စတင္လာခဲ့တဲ့ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္ ဟာ ဒီကေန႔မွာေတာ့ သူ႔ကို အစဥ္အၿမဲ အားေပးေထာက္ခံခဲ့တဲ့ ကမၻာေက်ာ္ U2 ေတးဂီတ အဖြဲ႔က အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏိုနဲ႔လည္း ဒီအခမ္းအနားမွာ ပထမဆံုး ေတြ႔ဆံုခဲ့တာပါ။ အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏို ကိုယ္တိုင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ကို ဂုဏ္ျပဳစပ္ဆိုထားတဲ့ Walk On ေတးသီခ်င္းကိုလည္း အဆိုေတာ္ ဘိုႏိုက သူ႔အေနနဲ႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္ကို အထင္ႀကီး ေလးစားရတာဟာ - သူမရဲ႕ အၾကမ္းမဖက္ ႀကိဳးပမ္း မႈေတြေၾကာင့္ ျဖစ္တယ္လို႔ အဆိုေတာ္ဘိုႏို က ေျပာဆိုသြားခဲ့ပါတယ္။ လူ႔အခြင့္အေရး လႈပ္ရွားမႈအဖဲြ႔ ျဖစ္တဲ့ Amnesty International ရဲ႕ အဖဲြ႔၀င္တဦးလည္းျဖစ္တဲ့ ဘုိႏုိ္က ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ လြတ္ ေျမာက္ေရးအပါအ၀င္ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံအေရး လႈပ္ရွားမႈေတြမွာ တက္တက္ႂကြႂကြ ပါ၀င္ခဲ့တဲ့ သူ႔ရဲ႕ အေတြ႔ အႀကံဳကုိလည္း မွ်ေ၀ခဲ့တာပါ။
“မွင္သက္မိတဲ့ ခံစားခ်က္မ်ဳိး ျဖစ္မိတယ္ဆုိတဲ့ စကားလုံးကုိပဲ သုံးရမယ္ ထင္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့လည္း ဒီလုိ ခံစားခ်က္ကုိ ေက်ာ္လႊားႏုိင္ေအာင္ က်ေနာ္ ႀကိဳးစားေနရပါတယ္။ ဆုိလုိတာကေတာ့ က်ေနာ့္ အေနနဲ႔ ဒီလုိ ခံစားခ်က္ မျဖစ္ပါဘူးဆုိတာမ်ဳိး ဟန္ေဆာင္ျပေနရတာပါ။”
၂၀၀၉ ခုႏွစ္မွာတုန္းကလည္း U2 အဖြဲ႔ရဲ႕ ၃၆၀ ဒီဂရီလို႔ အမည္ေပးထားတဲ့ ဥေရာပနဲ႔ အေမရိကန္ လွည့္ လည္ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖေရး အစီအစဥ္မွာ စုစုေပါင္း ၄၄ ပြဲ သီဆိုေဖ်ာ္ေျဖခဲ့ၿပီး သူ႔ရဲ႕ ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲတုိင္း မွာလည္းပဲ ျမန္မာ့ ဒီမိုကေရစီ ေခါင္းေဆာင္ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္အတြက္ အမွတ္တရ အားေပး စပ္ဆိုထားတဲ့ Walk On ဆက္ေလွ်ာက္ေနပါဆိုတဲ့ သီခ်င္းကို သီဆိုၿပီး ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ဆိုတာ ဘယ္သူ ျဖစ္တယ္ဆိုတာကို ပရိသတ္ေတြသိေအာင္ သူက ရွင္းျပခဲ့သူပါ။ အဲ့ဒီ Walk On သီခ်င္းကို သီဆိုၾကတဲ့ အခ်ိန္မွာ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္ရဲ႕ ဓာတ္ပံုကို မ်က္ႏွာဖံုးအျဖစ္ ပရိသတ္ေတြက တၿပိဳင္တည္း တပ္ဆင္ အားေပးၾကဖို႔အတြက္ကိုလည္း စီစဥ္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ အဲ့ဒီအခ်ိန္တုန္းကေတာ့ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ဟာ ေနအိမ္အက်ယ္ခ်ဳပ္ဘ၀နဲ႔ ထိန္းသိမ္း ခံေနရဆဲကာလျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ဟာ ဥေရာပခရီးစဥ္ေတြထဲက တခုျဖစ္တဲ့ ေနာ္ေ၀ႏိုင္ငံခရီးစဥ္ကို ဒီကေန႔ အဆုံးသတ္ ၿပီးတဲ့ေနာက္မွာေတာ့ အုိင္ယာလန္ႏုိင္ငံ ဒဗၺလင္ၿမိဳ႕ကုိ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ခရီးဆက္ၿပီး အဲဒီမွာ လူ႔အခြင့္ အေရး လႈပ္ရွားမႈအဖဲြ႔ Amnesty International ရဲ႕ အျမင့္ဆုံးဆု အျဖစ္ ယုံၾကည္မႈ ဆုိင္ရာ ဂုဏ္ထူးေဆာင္ သံအမတ္ႀကီးဆုကုိ အုိင္ယာလန္ႏုိ္င္ငံ ဒဗၺလင္ၿမိဳ႕မွာ အခမ္းအနားနဲ႔အတူ လက္ခံ ရယူသြားမွာပါ။ ဒီေနာက္ မွာေတာ့ ၿဗိတိန္ႏုိ္င္ငံကုိ သြားေရာက္ၿပီး လႊတ္ေတာ္တြင္း စကားေျပာဆုိဖုိ႔ ရွိသလုိ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ရဲ႕ ၆၇ ႏွစ္ေျမာက္ ေမြးေန႔ကုိ ၿဗိတိန္ႏုိ္င္ငံမွာ သားႏွစ္ေယာက္နဲ႔အတူ ကုန္လြန္လိမ့္မယ္လုိ႔ လည္း ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ရပါ တယ္။ ၂၄ ရက္ေန႔ ခရီးစဥ္ အဆုံးမသတ္မီမွာေတာ့ ျပင္သစ္ ႏုိင္ငံကုိ ၀င္ေရာက္ဦးမွာလည္း ျဖစ္ပါတယ္ရွင္။
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